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Tag: Norfolk
  • NAO-2011-0462 I-64 Capacity Improvements

    Expiration date: 10/2/2015

    Shirley Contracting Company, LLC has proposed the I-64 Capacity Improvements, which will include widening the existing Interstate 64 in Newport News, Virginia from a four lane interstate, to a six lane interstate from 0.50 miles east of Yorktown Road (Route 238 interchange) and ending 1.55 miles west of Jefferson Avenue (Route 143 interchange).

  • NAO-2007-2718 Dredging of Pescara Creek

    Expiration date: 7/1/2015

    Colonna's Shipyard is proposing to mechanically dredge approximately 125,300 cubic yards of material from a 10.27 acre area in Pescara Creek, a tributary to the Eastern Branch of the Elizabeth River in Norfolk, Virginia. This is a combination of new and maintenance dredging.

  • NAO-2004-03364/14-V1114

    Expiration date: 10/19/2014

    Dominion Terminals Associates proposes to deepen the berthing and approach to their facilities from -52.6 ft MLW to -57 ft MLW, to provide access and berthing for larger coal and bulk material handling vessels. The public comment period ends Oct. 19, 2014. The current dredge footprint of 26.5 acres of subaqueous, unconsolidated bottom will be maintained, with a proposed removal of an additional 166,750 cubic yards of material, with planned disposal at Craney Island Dredge Material Management Area or Craney Island Rehandling Basin (dependant on dredging method). All work will take place at 600 Harbor Road - pier 11, in Newport News, Virginia.

  • NAO-2007-1076

    Expiration date: 10/30/2014

    September 17, 2014: The City of Norfolk submitted a permit application for improvements to the existing Western Branch Reservoir Dam. The purpose of the project is to provide reliable water supply storage for Norfolk and other communities; prevent a hazard to downstream residents, structures, roadways, or environment from potential failure of a High Hazard dam; comply with the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation’s (DCR) dam safety regulations; and comply with the City of Norfolk’s operating permit. Wetland and water impacts for the entire project total 2.629 acres, which include impacts to non-tidal subaqueous land, non-tidal forested wetlands, tidal subaqueous lands, tidal wetlands and intertidal areas. Public comment period ends October 17, 2014.

  • NAO-2008-2566

    Expiration date: 10/6/2014

    The applicant proposes to remove vegetation that exceeds the height tolerances allowed under Navy and FAA regulations from four separate project areas located within the Approach/Departure Clearance Surface and Inner Horizontal Surfaces. This public notice expires Oct. 6, 2014.