PROJECT STUDY AREA The study area is in Bedford, Virginia approximately 13 miles northeast of Lynchburg. Although closer in proximity to Coleman Falls (approximately ½ mile east), the project site is entirely within the town limits of Big Island. Indian Run is a tributary of the James River, and their confluence is roughly 2000 feet to the north of the project area.
PROJECT SCOPE To stabilize the existing streambank along a 100-foot section of Indian Run and prevent future erosion resulting from the combined effects of natural erosion process; river flow and storm driven water level rise. The project is needed to provide long-term protection to existing public utilities on the adjacent upland, including U.S. Route 501:
- Create safe bank conditions;
- Protect existing public facilities from being replaced;
- Improve environmental landscape;
- Preserve the welfare of the residents in the project area; and
- Provide regional economic stability.
AUTHORIZATION Continuing Authorities Program (CAP), Section 14 of the Flood Control Act of 1946, as amended (P.L.79-526), Emergency Streambank and Shore Protection. The purpose of the Section 14 program is to construct emergency streambank and shore protection to prevent natural erosion processes from damaging highways, bridge approaches, public works, churches, public and private non-profit hospitals, schools, water and sewer lines, and other public or non-profit facilities that offer public services to all, and known historic properties eligible or listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
STUDY SPONSOR The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT)
SCHEDULE The CAP process begins with initial efforts of the feasibility phase to identify the problem and study area and determine if there is a federal interest in proceeding with more detailed work and identifying a federal cost-sharing sponsor.

If you have comments or questions, contact Richard Harr of USACE Norfolk District at or 757-201-7746. They can also be sent via regular mail to: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Norfolk District, ATTN: Richard Harr, 803 Front Street, Norfolk, VA 23510.