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Interagency and International Service Program

The Norfolk District’s Interagency and International Services program provides planning, engineering design and construction management, environmental services, and technical services related to water, natural resources, buildings and infrastructure.

Using engineering, construction and contracting expertise, the Norfolk District along with its private firm partners, provides the full range of support services to a diverse federal customer base. The district forms a partnership with these agencies to support programming, engineering, construction, real estate acquisition, contracting and construction management functions.

IIES Program Project News and Information

Quantico National Cemetery Draft Programmatic Environmental Assessment
This Programmatic Environmental Assessment (PEA) for Quantico National Cemetery (QNC) evaluates the effects of the construction, operation, and maintenance of its full build-out Master Plan (also...
Corps awards Florida business $23 million contract, helps protect Virginia space-flight facilities
The Norfolk District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers awarded a $23.7 million contract to Miami-based business Continental Heavy Civil Corp. for beach renourishment at the NASA Wallops Island Flight...
NASA Wallops Flight Facility Shoreline Nourishment
NASA Wallops' has submitted an application to re-nourish their shoreline back to pre-Hurricane Sandy conditions in order to protect NASA, US NAVY, and MARS facilities on the island. The project will...
Draft Environmental Assessment for the Expansion and Improvements of the Quantico National Cemetery
Pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1970, as amended, as implemented by the Council on Environmental Quality Regulations (40 CFR 1500–1508), the Veterans Administration...
Corps, NASA breakground on new data center
Dignitaries from NASA, the Norfolk District, U.S Army Corps of Engineers and private industry gathered on a grassy field, nestled within the confines of NASA’s Langley Research Center, to breakground...
District awards NASA Langley contract to NYC-based company
The Norfolk District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, awarded a New York City-based company a $23 million contract to build a new computational research facility at the NASA Langley Research Center in...
NOAA Marine Operations Center Environmental Assessement
This Environmental Assessment has been prepared to assess the potential impacts of the new work and maintenance dredging of the approach and berthing areas of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric...
Beach complete, infrastructure protected
More than 3 million cubic yards of newly deposited sand is protecting the launch pads and critical infrastructure at NASA’s flight facility at Wallops Island, Va...

Important Numbers

IIS Program Manager  
Contracting Office
General Information 
Public Affairs 