The executive office is made up of the commander, deputy commander and the offices that directly support the commander.
Public Affairs Office The Public Affairs Office oversees an innovative public affairs program, disseminating information regarding District activities, objectives, its people and their mission through the news media, organizations, and direct public contact to position the District as part of the world's premier engineering organization. The chief acts as primary public affairs consultant to the district commander and executive staff, advising them on possible public, political and media reactions to policy statements, district actions, and controversial issues that impact the Corps' Strategic Vision.
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Office of Counsel Legal services in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers involves an integrated network of attorneys and legal assistants at all command offices within the organization. They are counselors and advisors to the decision-makers playing an important role in the planning and execution of the Corps' civil works and military programs. By providing guidance on the Corps' fiscal and substantive responsibilities, and reviewing the scope and process of the many multifaceted tasks and activities carried out by a diverse staff of professionals. Our legal team facilitate and affirm successful and effective execution.
The Legal Services Program encompasses a wide range of requirements and functions including: contract law, fiscal law, environmental law, personnel, labor and equal employment opportunity.
Small Business The small business section develops small businesses and maximizes their opportunities to participate in our procurements, thereby ensuring a broad base of capable suppliers to support the Corps of Engineers. Learn more about opportunities for small businesses at our Small Business page.
Contracting Office The Contracting Office provides acquisition services and serves as the catalyst in advancing effective acquisition planning, strategies and innovative practices. Learn more about contracting opportunities at our Contracting page.
Emergency Management
The district's Emergency Management's primary mission is emergency preparedness and coordinating response for natural disasters and/or national emergencies. Learn more about our Emergency Management mission at our Emergency Operations page.
Resource Management Office
As an integral part of the district team, the Resource Management Office provides fiscal policy and advice in the performance of the district mission. RMO is the district proponent for fiscal integrity and for the efficient utilization of people, materiel and money.
Internal Review