Norfolk Harbor Navigation Improvements
Anchorage F

Project Manager

Victor Roberts
Norfolk District, USACE
803 Front Street
Norfolk, VA 23510

Project Sponsor

Port of Virginia
101 W. Main Street
Norfolk, Virginia


Virtual Public Meeting

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Norfolk District (USACE) and the Virginia Port Authority (VPA) announce the initiation of the Norfolk Harbor Navigation Improvements, Anchorage F Limited Re-evaluation Report, authorized by Section 8223 of the Water Resources Development Act. USACE is the lead federal agency and the VPA is the non-federal sponsor for the study.

The purpose of the study is to re-evaluate the authorized dimensions of Anchorage F to address problems, including:
1) Existing anchorages are insufficient to fully accommodate existing and future vessel fleet (depth, quantity, dimensions).
2) A lack of deep anchorages exist withing the harbor, resulting in transit delays.
3) Anchorage Alpha is the only location where ships with larger drafts can anchor and it is located within a primary Department of Defense training/exercise area, which makes access available only with prior Navy authorization.

Pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), USACE plans to prepare supplemental NEAP documentation to evaluate impacts from reasonable project alternatives and to determine the potential for significant impacts.

The public was invited to attend a virtual informational meeting about the Norfolk Harbor Navigation Improvements, Anchorage F Limited Re-Evaluation Report on Feb. 7, 2024. The purpose of the meeting was to provide the public an opportunity to learn more about the study and to solicit the public's help in identifying issues, alternatives and potentially significant impacts to be considered in the analysis.

Virtual Public Meeting Slides

The public is invited to submit comments via email to:, or by mail to Miranda Ryan, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Norfolk District, 803 Front Street, Norfolk, VA 23510. Comments may be submitted until Monday, Feb. 26.


Project Overview

Norfolk District and the Virginia Port Authority are currently in partnership for the design and construction of the Norfolk Harbor and Channels Navigation Improvements Project, Virginia. This multi-phase priority project includes the expansion and deepening of the current F Anchorage and its associated approaches.

The Norfolk Harbor and Channels deepening was authorized by Congress for construction in Section 201 of the Water Resources and Development Act of 1986 following an approved study. The Chief of Engineers signed a Chief's Report for the Norfolk Harbor Navigation Improvements Project on June 29, 2018.

Anchorage F is currently designed and maintained as a 3,000-foot diameter circle for free-swinging bow anchoring. The anchorage lies withing the designated F Anchorage Area, due west of the Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel (HRBT) and northwest of the Norfolk Harbor Entrance Channel.

Virginia Port Authority, the non-Federal sponsor, requests a modification to the existing USACE project authority to include a deeper and wider Anchorage F and approach based on Virginia Pilot Association surveys, U.S. Coast Guard guidelines and a design charette conducted on October 5, 2020. A deeper and wider anchorage would align with the authorized depths of the surrounding federal channels.

Pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), USACE plans to prepare supplemental NEPA documentation to evaluate impacts from reasonable project alternatives and to determine the potential for significant impacts. As a result of the General Re-evaluation Report, dated June 29, 2018 and authorized by Section 1403 of the Water Resources Development act of 2018. Anchorage F has an authorized diameter of 3,620 feet and depth of -51 feet. Dimensions greater than -51ft deep x 3,620 ft in diameter must be coordinated with appropriate environmental agencies. The EA will be integrated into the Post Authorization Change Report.

Study Area Map

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