Public Notice Distribution List

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Archive: 2017

    Expiration date: 1/15/2018

    On November 16, 2017, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Norfolk District public noticed the Draft 2017 MBI Template (Template) for use in the Commonwealth of Virginia. This public notice had a 30 day comment period that expired on December 16, 2017. At this time the USACE is extending the public notice comment period until January 15, 2018.
  • NAO-2017-02084- 17-V4208

    Expiration date: 1/18/2018

    Lawrence Ramsey VDOT, applicant is proposing to replace the structurally deficient Structure 9760 east bound along I-64 and west bound structure 9762 along I-64, the two existing I-64 E and W bridges, over Route 156, with one structure and increasing the vertical clearance from 14’6” to 16’6”, required by AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications. The increase in vertical clearance will be derived from a combination of roadway profile raise and optimizing replacement structure depth. Widening will occur to the inside. No changes to the horizontal alignment of I64 are proposed however, Route 156 will be brought up to standard to the termini of the merge/acceleration lanes. The interchange will be converted from a cloverleaf to a partial cloverleaf in an attempt to reduce the construction limits and impacts along Route 156, the ramps, and the loops of the interchange. Crashes along I-64 will be reduced by removing the weave.The project is located at Latitude: 37°31'52" Longitude: 77°20'29" FEMA FIRM number: FM51087C0165C Nearest Community: Sandston - Surrounding Land Use: Commercial, Urban mix Basin: unnamed tributary to Gillie Creek / James River Basin Sub-basin: 2C. Lower James River Sub-basin Hydrologic Unit Code: 02080206. Intersect of I-64 and Route 156 in Henrico County, Virginia.

  • 2016-00028-arl

    Expiration date: 1/15/2018

    The applicant proposes permanent impacts to 0.06 acre of palustrine emergent wetland (PEM), 1.22 acre of palustrine forested wetland (PFO), 0.42 acre of palustrine open water (POW) and 891 linear feet of intermittent and ephemeral stream channel. The impacts are associated with the construction of an age-restricted residential development with recreational amenities, storm water management ponds, access roads, utilities, and associated infrastructure in Prince William County, Virginia.

  • NAO-2016-02138

    Expiration date: 1/15/2018

    The applicant proposes to develop two parcels totaling 25 acres for the construction of a 39 lot single family home subdivision, resulting in the combined loss of 1.05 acres of tidal and non-tidal wetlands. Impacts to wetlands and waters have been avoided and minimized by the reduction in the planned number of developed lots, locating bmp’s (in uplands) on majority wetland lots thereby avoiding additional impacts, and the purchase of mitigation credits along with onsite wetland creation to offset impacts that cannot be avoided.

  • NAO-1996-02757

    Expiration date: 1/16/2018

    The City of Norfolk proposes installation of a new 42‐inch diameter steel raw water main across the Nansemond River north of Dumpling Island and its confluence with Oyster House Creek, in Suffolk, Virginia. The Corps is seeking comments under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. Comments are due by the close of business on January 16, 2018.