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Tag: Norfolk
  • NAO-2017-01846

    Expiration date: 12/14/2018

    The Ohio Creek Watershed Project proposes to improve neighborhood quality by strengthening flood resiliency, support economic opportunity, and increase neighborhood connectivity in Norfolk, Virginia.


    Expiration date: 3/31/2018

    The Regulatory Branch is now using a Headquarters web site to post issued permits. Beginning October 30, 2017, issued permits can be found at a single site for the posting of issued permits, posting as required by 33 CFR 325.2(a)(8).
  • NAO-2002-03027/ VMRC#17-V1093

    Expiration date: 8/7/2017

    In order to maintain deep water access to its commercial marine repair facility, Marine Hydraulics International proposes maintenance dredging to a depth of -38.14 feet at mean low water. The location of the existing berthing area is located in Norfolk, on the Elizabeth River, at approximate location latitude 36.8617 and longitude -76.3125. Approximately 85,000 cubic yards of material will be mechanically dredged, placed in scow barges, and transported to the Craney Island Dredged Material Management Area and deposited in the Rehandling Basin.

  • NAO-2016-1089

    Expiration date: 3/20/2017

    The residents with property surrounding the West Belvedere Channel and the Regent Channel in Norfolk are applying for the dredging of their individual boat basins (Driveways) to connect to the proposed municipal dredging being reviewed under project number NAO-2016-0080 for recreational access to deep water during all tides. As proposed this project will impact 17,295 sf of mudflats that will be mitigated by the creation of oyster habitat and tidal vegetation as part of the City of Norfolk's proposal.

  • CENAO-WR-R NAO-2016-0080

    Expiration date: 3/20/2017

    The City of Norfolk has applied for an individual permit to dredge two channels in the Lafayette River. These channels are known as the West Belvedere Channel and the Regent Channel. The purpose of the dredging is to provide recreational boat access for the general public and properties located along both of these channels. Knowing that the property owners will want to connect their basins with the two channels, the City of Norfolk is proposing the creation/restoration of tidal wetlands and the creation of oyster reef habitat in order to compensate the impacts to mudflats resulting from both the municipal dredging and the proposed dredging of the surrounding property owners.