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Tag: Norfolk
  • NAO-2019-01614

    Expiration date: 11/7/2021

    Naval Station Norfolk is the homeport of numerous ships and provides operational readiness support to the U.S .Atlantic Fleet with its facilities. The deperming station is located within the waters of the Elizabeth River provides magnetic silencing services for military vessels. The proposed regulation is necessary to better protect underwater equipment, personnel, and vessels utilizing the facility by implementing a waterside security program. The applicant proposes to establish new restricted area in the Navigation Regulations (33 C.F.R. §334.296).

  • NAO-2020-02444

    Expiration date: 7/22/2021

    Public comment closes July 22 for the Pamunkey Indian Tribal Gaming Authority proposal of construction and dredging on and near the Elizabeth River's eastern branch for an slated resort casino in Norfolk, Virginia.

  • NAO 2020-0149

    Expiration date: 7/14/2021

    Public comment for the dredging of a navigation channel, community turning basin and private mooring areas for four property owners in Crab Creek, Norfolk, Virginia, closes July 14. 

  • Norfolk Section 408 nourishment project proposed along Ocean View, Willoughby Spit

    Expiration date: 6/1/2021

    The City of Norfolk proposes a beach nourishment along its Ocean View and Willoughby Spit shoreline, requiring Section 408 review to determine its impact on current USACE projects.
  • NAO-2020-2373; VMRC #20-V2232

    Expiration date: 3/10/2021

    The City of Norfolk proposes to construct a beach nourishment project at four different reaches along its Ocean View and Willoughby Spit shoreline. The proposed fill at Reach 1 is between 24th Bay Street and Bay Point Drive, the fill at Reach 2 is between Chesapeake Boulevard and Atlans Street, the fill at Reach 3 is between 6th View Street and Norfolk Avenue, and the proposed fill at Reach 4 is between 12th View Street and 9th View Street. The purpose of the project is to restore and enhance coastal storm protection to residential, public and commercial structures by increasing the beach width and establishing a beach berm at +4.0 feet NAVD88. The project will accomplish this purpose by placing approximately 393,000 cubic yards of sand along 14,400 linear feet of shoreline.