Public Notice Distribution List

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Archive: 2013
  • NAO-2009-1851

    Expiration date: 1/13/2014

    Loudon County and Virginia Department of Transportation, or VDOT, propose to improve traffic flow and alleviate traffic delays at the intersection of Route 7 and Route 659. This project would support the County’s goal of widening Route 7 to eight lanes and includes a single-point urban interchange, which would carry Route 659 over Route 7. A single traffic signal would be installed above the single-point interchange on the bridge deck, and all turning movements would be adequately accommodated by the interchange. Route 659 is proposed to include a four-lane divided roadway with a wide median to accommodate future widening to six lanes in the median. The need for an interchange at the existing intersection is evident from existing travel patterns, peak hour delays, and backups (queues) at the existing signal. The proposed work will permanently impact 0.397 ac. of nontidal forested wetlands, 0.156 ac. of nontidal emergent wetlands, 0.013 ac. of nontidal open water wetlands, 1994 linear feet of streams. In addition, the proposed work will result in temporary impacts to 0.012 ac. of nontidal emergent wetlands, 0.007 ac. of nontidal open water wetlands and 275 linear feet of streams.

  • NAO-2013-100

    Expiration date: 1/10/2014

    The proposed mitigation bank site is located on approximately 322.6 acres of mixed forested and pastured land. The site is located along Ravenscroft Road in Henry County, Va., (Lat N36.769312, Long W -79.783202). The proposed bank site is in the headwaters of Leatherwood Creek, which drains to the Smith River, a tributary of the Dan River. The bank sponsor proposes to establish, design, construct, and operate a compensatory wetland and stream mitigation bank to be known as Ravenscroft Stream Mitigation Bank. The goal of the bank is to protect and enhance water quality, as well as provide compensatory mitigation for authorized impacts within the authorized service area. The geographic service area of this mitigation bank would include the Roanoke River sub‐basin (HUC: 03010103). This proposed service area would include Henry, Patrick, Franklin, Pittsylvania, Halifax, Bedford, Roanoke, and Montgomery Counties and their associated Cities. The bank will consist of preservation of 4,941 linear feet (LF) of perennial streams, enhancement of 662 LF of perennial streams, and restoration of 8,347 LF of perennial streams. 681 SMU’s (4.4% of total credits) are generated from preservation and 14,878 SMU’s (95.6% of total credits) are generated from restoration and enhancement.

  • NAO-2009-00949

    Expiration date: 12/22/2013

    The Norfolk District Corps of Engineers has established a temporary danger zone from Dec. 17-22 around the NASA Wallops Flight Center in Accomack, Va., for the Antares ORB-1 launch.
  • NAO-2012-1145/12-V0796/13-V1444

    Expiration date: 12/15/2013

    Port Messick LLC proposes to construct a breakwater consisting of two 160 foot long sections of soldier piles within Front Cove, a tributary to Back River, in Poquoson, Virginia. The Public Notice comment period ends on December 15, 2013.

  • NAO-13-01819

    Expiration date: 12/18/2013

    The applicant proposes to develop 12 residential lots along Sandbridge Road in Virginia Beach, Virginia. The project, as proposed, will impact 2.657 acres of non-tidal emergent wetlands, 0.394 acres of non-tidal forested wetlands, 0.030 acres of non-tidal forested open water and waters of the United States, and 0.291 acres of non-tidal emergent isolated wetlands. As compensation, the applicant proposes to purchase 3.475 credits from The Great Dismal Swamp Restoration Bank, LLC. In addition, 0.510 acres of on-site forested wetlands and 0.169 acres of on-site emergent wetlands will be avoided and the applicant proposes to protect the avoided wetlands via recordation of a restricted instrument on the property’s chain of title.