Public Notice Distribution List

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Archive: April, 2013
  • NAO-2010-360

    Expiration date: 5/22/2013

    The bank sponsor proposes to establish, design, construct, and operate a compensatory wetland and stream mitigation bank to be known as Hagan Farm Umbrella Mitigation Bank. The purpose of the mitigation bank is to provide off-site compensatory mitigation for projects that result in unavoidable impacts to streams and other waters of the United States in the Upper New River and Middle New River Drainage basin. The goal of the bank is to protect and enhance water quality, enhance impaired streams and wetlands, encourage regional watershed management, restore native riparian areas for wildlife habitat and ecosystem biodiversity, as well as provide compensatory mitigation for authorized impacts within the authorized service area. The Hagan Bank will produce 18.4 acres of wetland mitigation (33.3 wetland compensation credits) through the restoration of 3.5 acres of degraded wetlands and through the creation of 14.9 acres of new wetlands. Stream credits are proposed as 28,950 for restoration and 2,223 for enhancement.

  • NAO-2009-00949_NASA_Wallops_Island_Flight_Center

    Expiration date: 4/29/2013

    The Norfolk District Corps of Engineers is extending a temporary Danger Zone until April 29, 2013, around the NASA Wallops Flight Center in Accomack, Va., for the NASA Orbital's resupply to space station launch.
  • NAO-2013-0619/13-V00477

    Expiration date: 5/16/2013

    "The applicant proposes to mechanically dredge approximately 229,005 square feet (5.26-acres) and/or 26,559 cubic yards (CY) of subaqueous bottom to a maximum depth of -5.0 feet mean low water (MLW) in order to re-establish navigational access and attenuate siltation for the Old Donation Creek neighborhood in Virginia Beach, Va. The proposed project also includes the placement of six (6) new day markers and the relocation of one (1) day marker along the navigable channels. The project is composed of three distinct types of channels: the City spur channel, which leads off the main channel of the Western Branch of the Lynnhaven River to serve multiple neighborhood waterways; the neighborhood SSD channel, which will provide access to Old Donation Creek; and the individual access channels which provide access to individual properties. The dredge material will be taken by barge to the Thalia Creek transfer site and loaded onto trucks and transported to the Whitehurst Borrow Pit on Oceana Boulevard for disposal." Comment period ends May 16, 2013.

  • Millennium Project EA Update

    Expiration date: 4/12/2013

    This announcement has been prepared to update interested stakeholders on refinements to the design for the Millennium Project at Arlington National Cemetery (ANC). As part of the public process, ANC strives to provide information and updates on the project as the design evolves.

  • NAO-2008-01186

    Expiration date: 5/10/2013

    The bank sponsor proposes to establish, design, construct, and operate a compensatory wetland mitigation bank to be known as Tidewater Mitigation Bank to provide off-site compensatory mitigation for projects that result in unavoidable impacts to wetlands and other waters of the United States in the Chesapeake Bay drainage basin.