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This announcement has been prepared to update interested stakeholders on refinements to the design for the Millennium Project at Arlington National Cemetery (ANC). As part of the public process, ANC strives to provide information and updates on the project as the design evolves.
The revised EA was posted for public comment on March 12, 2013.
Based on refinements to the tree survey occurring since the revised EA was posted, the tree count has been revised to reflect an additional 23 trees that will be removed. Also, for every tree removed, at least one new tree will be replanted within the project footprint, so that the project will have “no net loss” in the total tree count.
These refinements to the tree count do not change the analysis of the impacts nor do they change the preferred alternative.
The project team will continue to focus on minimizing the removal of trees where possible so the number of trees removed may vary slightly as the design is finalized.
The comment period for the revised EA will close on Friday, April 12, 2013.