Public Notice Distribution List

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Archive: August, 2022
  • NAO-2021-01633, Bluewater Development, Cape Charles, VA

    Expiration date: 9/3/2022

    Description: Bluewater Development LLC proposes to construct breakwaters with tombolo fill and low sills with beach nourishment and plantings at Cherrystone Campground, 1511 Townfield Drive Cape Charles, Virginia. The rock sill would impact 0.15 acres of tidal wetlands and 0.22 acres of open water. The fill for the sill and nourishment would impact 1.06 acres of non-vegetated tidal wetlands. The rock breakwater would impact 0.25 acres of open water and the tombolo would impact 0.35 acres of non-vegetated tidal wetlands and 0.53 acres of open water. A total of 1.56 acres of non-vegetated tidal wetlands and 1.00 acre of tidal open water would be converted by the proposed project. Public comments should be received by the close of business on September 3, 2022.

  • NAO-2021-01800 / NAO-2022-00286, 2022 State Programmatic General Permits

    Expiration date: 9/8/2022

    The Norfolk District announces the issuance of the 2022 State Programmatic General Permit for residential, commercial, institutional, and recreational developments (22-SPGPRCIR) and the 2022 State Programmatic Regional Permit for linear transportation projects (22-SPGP-LT). Effective August 08, 2022, the 22-SPGP-RCIR and 22-SPGP-LT permits supersede and replace all previous versions.

  • NAO-2019-01614, NSN Deperming Station, Norfolk

    Expiration date: 8/31/2022

    The Corps of Engineers is establishing a restricted area in the waters of the Elizabeth River surrounding the Naval Station Norfolk Lambert’s Point Deperming Station in Norfolk, Virginia, as outlined in the Navigation Regulations, (33 C.F.R. §334.296). The regulation is necessary to better protect underwater equipment, personnel, and vessels utilizing the facility by implementing a waterside security program.  The regulation establishes the restricted area waters surrounding the existing facility immediately adjacent to the channel into Norfolk Harbor. EFFECTIVE DATE: August 31, 2022