Public Notice Distribution List

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Archive: March, 2022
  • NAO-2021-03224 / JPA # 21-V2393

    Expiration date: 4/29/2022

    The City of Newport News proposes to stabilize approximately 950 linear feet of eroding shoreline by installing (2) 170-foot offshore breakwaters, a 150-foot spur, discharging sand fill, planting vegetation, and performing minor bank grading. The project is located at Riverview Farm Park in Newport News along the shoreline of the Warwick River (37.08252°N; -76.53274°W).

  • 22-SPGP-Recreational, Commercial, Institutional and Recreational Developments (RCIR) AND 22-SPGP- Linear Transportation (LT)

    Expiration date: 4/21/2022

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - Norfolk District (Corps) proposes the issuance of two 2022 State Programmatic General Permits (SPGPs) to the people of the Commonwealth of Virginia. The SPGPs authorize the discharge of dredged/fill material in non-tidal waters of the United States (WOTUS), including wetlands, and that is associated with certain residential, commercial, institutional, and recreational and linear transportation projects. The purpose of the SPGPs is to reduce duplicative review for activity-specific projects where state and federal regulations overlap regulatory purview. The SPGPs will provide streamlined review of permit applications processed by the Corps and Virginia Department of Environmental (VDEQ). Public comments should be received by April 21, 2022.

  • NAO-2015-00459 (Cripple Creek Dredged Material Transfer Station)

    Expiration date: 4/18/2022

    The City of Virginia Beach proposes to impact wetlands and Waters of the U.S. for the construction of the Cripple Creek Dredged Material Transfer Station at 2540 Virginia Beach Boulevard, Virginia Beach, Virginia. The impacts are associated with the construction of 30 linear feet of bulkhead (with 23-foot returns), shoreline revetment, two 7-pile mooring dolphins and dredging for a basin to support the transfer of dredged material from barges to trucks. The bulkhead and fender would impact 90 square feet of non-vegetated tidal wetlands and 65 square feet of scrub/shrub vegetated tidal wetlands. The City of Virginia Beach would remove an estimated 625 cubic yards of dredged material from the proposed 4,350-square foot basin. The dredging (-7.5-foot NAVD) would impact 4,870 square feet of subaqueous bottom, and 495 square feet of non-vegetated wetlands in the 2X buffer and 390 square feet of vegetated wetlands (240 square feet in 2x and 150 square feet in 4X buffer). Public comments should be received by the close of business on April 18, 2022.

  • NAO-2020-1000 (Bremo Bluff Power Station)

    Expiration date: 3/24/2022

    Virginia Electric and Power Company proposed to construct a and operate a new fossil fuel combustion products management facility that would facilitate the mandated closure of the coal combustion residual (CCR) surface impoundment at the Bremo Bluff Power Station located in Fluvanna County, Virginia. Public comments should be received by the close of business on March 24, 2022.

  • NAO-1998-02442 (Botetourt Center at Greenfield)

    Expiration date: 4/9/2022

    Botetourt County proposes to widening an existing road within the Botetourt Center at Greenfield resulting in temporary and permanent impacts to an unnamed tributary of Tinker Creek. The perennial stream is located on the eastern side of Lots A, B, and C, and west of International Parkway. The impact area is located at approximately 37.438669 (latitude), -79.919651(longitude) and consists of 244 square feet of permanent stream impact across 105 linear feet of stream. Public comments should be received by April 9, 2022.