Public Notice Distribution List

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Archive: 2019
  • 2016-02232

    Expiration date: 3/7/2019

    Henrico County, Virginia, proposes to construct a portion of Woodman Road, including the discharge of fill material on 1.67 acres of wetlands and 194 linear feet of stream with appropriate compensatory mitigation for the purpose of transportation.

  • NAO-REG 01162019

    Expiration date: 2/8/2019

    Due to the lapse in appropriations for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), EPA and the Department of the Army (Army) have postponed the planned January 23 public hearing on the proposed new "Waters of the United States" definition until after appropriations have passed to fund the EPA.
  • NAO-2006-7258

    Expiration date: 2/14/2019

    CFalls LLC proposes to construct a single-family home subdivision, road network, condominiums, community pool, clubhouse, sewer lines, waters lines and stormwater management facilities known as Chickahominy Falls Section III on about 81 acres in Hanover County, Virginia. Public comment period ends Feb. 14.

  • NAO-2015-01165

    Expiration date: 2/14/2019

    The project consists of the discharge of fill material into waters of the United States associated with the development of an industrial complex with two 2-story data center buildings, equipment areas, an office/warehouse building, access roads, parking areas, utilities, storm water management facilities and associated infrastructure at the subject location.

  • NAO-2013-02226

    Expiration date: 2/10/2019

    City of Virginia Beach proposes to impact 1.14 acres of forested wetlands for the westward expansion of Nimmo Parkway and the realignment of the intersection of Nimmo Parkway and West Neck Road to alleviate traffic and provide access to the Department of Veteran’s Services (DVS) Veterans Care Clinic (VCC) in Virginia Beach, VA. The applicant proposes to mitigate the permanent loss of 1.14 acres of forested wetlands at a ratio of 2:1 and through the purchase of 2.28 credits from the Great Dismal Swamp Mitigation Bank.