Public Notice Distribution List

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Archive: August, 2019
  • NAO-2018-02236

    Expiration date: 9/30/2019

    The applicant proposes to fill 0.50 acres of wetlands and 2,301 linear feet of waters for the purpose of constructing a data center complex.

  • NAO-2008-00254

    Expiration date: 9/16/2019

    The applicant proposes to discharge fill material in 2.56 acres of forested wetlands for the purpose of constructing an office building and attendant structures, including access roads and parking lots, to expand the existing on-site financial services call and data center.

  • NAO-WRR-20190816

    Expiration date: 9/10/2019

    Norfolk District's Regulatory Branch and EPA Region III will hold a stream-restoration meeting for stakeholders to seek input and feedback regarding the potential development of regional curve and/or reference-reach information throughout Virginia.
  • NAO-2016-00332

    The District Engineer has established a restricted area in waters surrounding Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek-Fort Story

  • NAO-2006-6860

    Expiration date: 8/31/2019

    The District Commander has received a joint application for Federal and State permits for Key West Cottages located in Chincoteague, Virginia to construct rental cottages, pool, bathhouse. A beach area would include a spartina marsh, bulkhead and oyster reef. The dredged boat basin would include a kayak launch. Additional bulkheads would be located throughout the site to support the construction of cottages and infrastructure. A viewing platform along with other supporting amenities are part of this proposal to support the guest and the resort area. A sunken hull located channelward of the property would also be removed during construction.