Public Notice Distribution List

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Archive: 2022
  • NAO-2022-01297, Haywood Marina, Deltaville, Middlesex County

    Expiration date: 9/30/2022

    The applicant proposes to make improvements to an existing marina on Broad Creek to include bulkheading, pier replacement, boat ramp installation, dredging, and living shoreline creation and ecological restoration. The dredged material will be mechanically dredged utilizing an excavator on land, then placed in a dump truck adjacent to the dredged area, allowed to de-water, then moved off-site to an approved upland site (Tax Map 40 34 5A, General Puller Highway). The project will result in the loss of 0.01 acre of tidal vegetated wetlands, 0.01 acre of tidal mudflats, and 0.03 acre of subaqueous bottom. Public comments should be received by the close of business on September 30, 2022. 

  • NAO-2017-01842, The Hurds Cove SSD project

    Expiration date: 9/14/2022

    The City of Virginia Beach proposes to mechanically dredge for navigational access and the estimated volume of dredged material is 28,440 cubic yards. For permitting purposes and to account for shoaling, the volume has been increased by approximately 15% and the applicant is assuming a dredge volume estimate of 32,700 cubic yards to account for areas that have shoaled in. Thirty-four piling supported channel markers have been included to demarcate the SSD channels.
  • Public Comment Extension: Green Ridge Recycling and Disposal Facility, Cumberland County, Virginia

    Expiration date: 9/28/2022

    On July 29, 2022, the Norfolk District Regulatory Branch issued a Public Notice announcing a 30-day public comment period concerning the Green Ridge Recycling and Disposal Facility LLC’s Department of the Army Permit Application for the construction of a solid waste disposal facility, associated infrastructure, and soil borrow areas, in Cumberland County, Virginia. In accordance with 33 CFR 325.2(d)(2)(iv), the District Commander hereby extends the public notice comment period until September 28, 2022.
  • NAO-2022-00168, King Creek at NWS Yorktown-Cheatham Annex, Yorktown, Virginia

    Expiration date: 9/22/2022

    The applicant proposes restoring approximately 2,000 linear feet of eroded shoreline along the historic Penniman Spit which has experienced extensive erosion in recent years. The restoration will include the installation of five rock still, two stone spurs and a stone breakwater to stabilize the shoreline, resulting in impacts to approximately acre of subaqueous bottom.:  The work will occur within the York River along Penniman Spit at the mouth of King Creek at Naval Stations Yorktown Cheatham Annex in Yorktown, Virginia. Public comments should be received by the close of business on September 22, 2022

  • NAO-2018-01863, Proposed Bow Creek Stormwater Park at 3425 Club House Road (Bow Creek Golf Course)

    Expiration date: 9/19/2022

    PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND PURPOSE: The City of Virginia Beach (City) proposes to permanently impact 0.04 acres of palustrine emergent (PEM) wetlands, 1.19 acres of estuarine emergent (EEM) wetlands, 0.01 acres of estuarine scrub shrub (ESS) wetlands, 4.06 acres of open water, 0.16 acres of tidal ditch, and 0.23 acres (1,277 linear feet) of nontidal, jurisdictional ditches to provide stormwater storage for flood mitigation at the Bow Creek Golf Course, 3425 Club House Road in Virginia Beach, Virginia. The necessary grading and filling associated with the construction of the planned stormwater storage and park amenities will cause the proposed impacts to Waters of the U.S., including wetlands.