Public Notice Distribution List

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Archive: 2018
  • CENAO-WRR NAO 2017-01673

    Expiration date: 7/27/2018

    This is a proposed single user mitigation bank. Proposed by Franklin County Dept of economic development. The proposed mitigation site is approximately 143 acres located on an approximately 408 acre parcel that is currently being used for livestock and hay production and unmanaged forestland. The site is located within the Lower Blackwater River watershed in Franklin County, Virginia.

  • NAO-2015-02130

    Expiration date: 7/27/2018

    The Corporation of Jefferson’s Poplar Forest submitted a Joint Permit Application to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Norfolk District (Corps) for a proposed parkway at Jefferson’s Poplar Forest, a designated National Historic Landmark, located at 1542 Bateman Bridge Road in the community of Forest, Bedford County, Virginia. In consultation with the Corps, the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality is evaluating the proposed impacts to waters of the United States under the State Programmatic General Permit (SPGP) program. In compliance with regulations implementing Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), the Corps is soliciting comments on the proposed project from the public; Federal, state, and local agencies and officials; Native American Tribes; and other interested parties.

  • NAO-2016-02003

    Expiration date: 7/27/2018

    The applicant has applied for an after the fact permit to rip-rap 835 linear feet of shoreline on Smith Mountain Lake to include two stormwater outfall aprons. The applicant requests after-the-fact Department of the Army authorization for the discharge of 190.72 cubic yards of fill material (Class 1 rip-rap and filter fabric) along 858 linear feet of Smith Mountain Lake shoreline (open water), extending approximately 4 feet waterward of the ordinary high water mark of the Lake, for the purpose of providing shoreline stabilization and protection.

  • 2006-00201, 18-V0665

    Expiration date: 7/22/2018

    General R.V. Center is proposing to impact 0.9 acre of forested wetlands to construct an RV dealership warehouse, parking, display areas, and erosions and sediment control measures. The project will also impact 0.12 acre of non-jurisdictional wetlands. To mitigate or the proposed impacts, the applicant will purchase 2.04 wetland credits. The project site is approximately 50 acres and is located west of I-95, at the northern terminus of Harley Club Drive, in Hanover County, Virginia. The site drains into Lickinghole Creek, a tributary to the Chickahominy River. The project site is located within an industrial park known as “Northlake.”


    Expiration date: 6/29/2018

    The Norfolk District Regulatory Branch and the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality are hosting a one-day Mitigation Bank/In Lieu Fee (ILF) Workshop for environmental consultants and Bank/ILF Sponsors working within the Commonwealth of Virginia. The Workshop will focus on topics specific to the Mitigation Banking Template. The meeting will be held on July 12, 2018. Expiration Date: 6/29/2018