Public Notice Distribution List

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Archive: July, 2018
  • NAO-2017-01828 / 18-V1148

    Expiration date: 8/31/2018

    This is a 30 day / Section 10 & 404 public notice for a proposed transportation project to widen I-64. This 8.2 mile Segment III of the 75 mile corridor to Richmond is a request for an Individual Permit. The permitee, Shirley Contracting Company, LLC / c/o Mr. Charles L. Smith, IV is requesting a proposal to impact 1018 linear feet of stream channel and 3.4 acres of wetland in (HUC) 0208107 – Skimino and Queens Creek watersheds of the James River basin and the Chesapeake Bay sub-basin in James City and York Counties, Virginia.

  • NAO-2018-01175 (RO-10 Big Otter River (King))

    Expiration date: 8/31/2018

    This is a proposed Virginia Aquatic Resource Trust Fund (VARTF) mitigation site RO-10 in the Big Otter Watershed and is named the "King" site.


    In an effort to increase the efficiency of the Norfolk District Regulatory Branch when reviewing Pre-Application and Jurisdictional Determination requests, the Norfolk District has created a checklist of recommended items to include with each submittal.
  • NAO-2018-01069-arl (Licking Run)

    Expiration date: 8/20/2018

    The proposed wetland mitigation bank is located on approximately 52 acres of agricultural land. The site is located south of Route 616, west of Route 674 and directly east of the Warrenton Air Park in Culpeper County, Virginia.The proposed bank site drains to Licking Run which is a tributary of the Potomac River.

  • NAO-2010-01543

    Expiration date: 8/3/2018

    Hayden Technologies LLC proposes to construct a new data center facility and associated infrastructure on 58 acres at 20260 Energy Park Drive SE in Loudoun County, Virginia. An MOA is being developed for adverse effects on an historic resource. Comments are due August 3, 2018.