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Tag: wetlands
  • Public Notice 2012-02369

    Expiration date: 5/1/2020

    Wegmans Food Markets, Inc. proposes to discharge fill material in 4.98 acres of palustrine forested wetlands, 0.23 acre of palustrine emergent wetlands, to otherwise adversely affect 0.91 acre of palustrine forested wetlands by dewatering and fragmenting, and to discharge fill material in 1,383 linear feet (0.14 acre) of ditches with appropriate compensatory mitigation for the purpose of constructing a Wegmans Distribution Center for the purposes of industry and commerce. The project will adversely affect Site 44HN0326, which is eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. The site is the remains of an early 19th century residence that was possibly associated with Merry Oaks Tavern.that was possibly associated with Merry Oaks Tavern.

  • NAO-2012-02097

    Expiration date: 3/29/2020

    Luck Stone Corporation plans to expand the Luck Stone - Prince Edward plant to meet the current and future needs of demands for crushed aggregates in the local area.

  • ​NAO-2006-7731

    Expiration date: 3/25/2020

    Neal Reed proposes to expand an existing commercial automobile maintenance operation by constructing one six-bay auto repair shop, associated parking, and a BMP near the intersection of Holland Road and Dam Neck Road in Virginia Beach, VA.

  • NAO-2018-02083

    Expiration date: 2/27/2020

    A wetland in-lieu fee wetland mitigation program has been proposed on an approximately 89-acre property in the Potomac River basin in Loudoun County, Virginia. Comments on this project should be received by the close of business Feb. 27.

  • CENAO-WR-R, NAO-2008-03101

    Expiration date: 10/30/2019

    Monroe Development Owner, LLC proposes to modify the current individual permit to include additional impacts to 1.11 acres of nontidal, forested wetlands to accommodate a road crossing to access Lot 4A and rail spurs associated with a commodity terminal operation and to extend the permit authorization an additional five years. The modification will result in permanent impacts to a total of 8.77 acres of nontidal wetlands (2.18 acres of these impacts are to non-jurisdictional isolated wetlands) and 48 linear feet of stream, and temporary impacts to 1.66 acres of nontidal wetlands and 92 linear feet of stream.