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Tag: mitigation
  • NAO-2012-0669

    Expiration date: 11/26/2012

    The City of Chesapeake, Va. proposes to construct approximately 2,900 feet of new roadway west of existing Woodlake Drive to form a 1.4 mile connection between Greenbrier Parkway and Battlefield Boulevard. Permanent wetland impact projected.

  • NAO 2007-04682

    Expiration date: 11/22/2012

    The applicant proposes to impact 1.74 acres of Palustrine Forested wetlands and conversion of 0.18-acre of PFO and 509 linear feet of stream associated with commercial development of retail, restaurants, gas station, parking and infrastructure in Caroline County, Va.

  • NAO-2007-01988/12-V1252

    Expiration date: 11/5/2012

    Timber Ridge at EDS proposes to impact 1.37 acres of wetlands and 192 linear feet of stream channel for the construction of a mixed-use development, park facility and associated infrastructure in Fairfax County, Va. Comment period ends Nov. 5, 2012.

  • NAO-2002-0564

    Expiration date: 11/5/2012

    The applicant proposes a mixed-use development to construct a manufacturing support facility to include parking and trailer-staging areas to be used by Philip Morris USA, retail and commercial-use facilities such as restaurants and hotels by private companies and provide a 60 acre industrial or manufacturing site to an outside private company with associated parking and infrastructure. in Richmond, Va. Comment period ends Nov. 5, 2012.

  • NAO 2009-2433

    Expiration date: 10/9/2012

    The applicant proposes to construct a mixed use development to include multi-family and single family housing developments along with roads and utility servitudes. The applicant also seeks to construct a thoroughfare to connect North Gayton Road to Pouncey Tract Road that would run through the development. Impact to wetlands expected.