Public Notice Distribution List

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Tag: mitigation
  • NAO-2017-00237

    Expiration date: 7/8/2017

    The applicant proposes to relocate the Interstate 95/Route 630 Interchange south of the existing interchange, including two new parallel bridges that will carry Rt. 630 (Courthouse Road) over I-95. An existing park and ride lot will be relocated and a second new lot will be added. The project includes bicycle and pedestrian facilities and stormwater management facilities. Proposed permanent impacts are 0.74 acres wetlands, 2,563 linear feet perennial streams, and 365 linear feet intermittent streams.

  • NAO-2006-7473

    Expiration date: 6/22/2017

    Woodlands Neighborhoods LLC proposes to construct a mixed-use residential and commercial development on approximately 137 acres west and south of the intersection of East Market Street (Route 7) and Battlefield Parkway in the Town of Leesburg. Comments are due June 22, 2017.

  • NAO-2016-0801

    Expiration date: 2/20/2017

    Container First Services proposes to expand the active landfill cell southward with the adjacent land fill cell. This project is located at 45 Landfill Road, Lunenburg, VA 23952. Public comment period ends on February 20, 2017

  • NAO-2016-2053

    Expiration date: 2/17/2017

    Chesapeake Tunnel Joint Venture proposes to discharge fill into 18.5 acres of subaqueous bottom at Thimble Shoal in the Chesapeake Bay to construct a new parallel two-lane tunnel approximately 6,525 feet long for the purpose of expanding roadway capacity on the Lucius Kellam, Jr. Bridge Tunnel. The temporary impact areas total approximately 182 acres. The applicant is not proposing mitigation for the 1.3 acres of permanent subaqueous bottom loss. 408 permission will be required. The Regulatory Branch is evaluating this project pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act.

  • NAO-2011-1807

    Expiration date: 12/15/2016

    Chantilly Crushed Stone Inc. proposes to construct a mixed-use development and associated infrastructure on 333 acres east of the intersection of Sully Road (Route 28) and Old Ox Road (Route 606) in Loudoun County, Virginia. Comments are due December 15, 2016.