Public Notice Distribution List

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Tag: regulatory
  • NAO-2012-1900 / VMRC #16-V0088

    Expiration date: 4/14/2016

    George Karavolos proposes to remove an existing failing bulkhead and concrete boat ramp, and construct a new 141 linear foot bulkhead so as to create two boat slips by excavating the area behind the failing bulkhead. In addition, the project includes mechanically dredging approximately 220 cubic yards (4,863 square feet) for an access channel and turning basin at a depth not to exceed -3.0 feet below mean low water. The dredged material will be transferred to sealed trucks on-site and disposed of off-site in a lawful manner. The project is located in a man-made canal to Broad Bay, a tributary to the Lynnhaven River, at 2004 English Cedar Circle in Virginia Beach, Virginia.

  • NAO-2014-0044 Camp Pendleton Danger Zone

    The district engineer has established a new Danger Zone in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean adjacent to Camp Pendleton, in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Effective date is March 30, 2016. This order will remain in effect until changes or formal regulations are developed.
  • NAO-2015-1785 Military Highway improvements

    Expiration date: 3/29/2016

    The applicant proposes to improve an approximately 1.58 mile corridor along Military Highway (US Route 13 and State Route 165) and Northhampton Boulevard (US Route 13 and State Route 166) to upgrade highway safety and efficiency. Proposed improvements include widening of Military Highway from a four lane roadway to a six and eight land divided roadway with a curb, gutter, and sidewalk; widening of Northampton Boulevard and Princess Anne Road from a four lane roadway to a six lane divided roadway with curb, gutter, and sidewalk; installation of a Continuous Flow Intersection at the intersection of Military Highway, Northampton Boulevard, and Princess Anne Road; and attendant required storm water management features. Public comment period ends March 29, 2016.

  • NAO-2012-00080 Skiffes Creek Comment Period Extension

    Expiration date: 11/13/2015

    The 10-day comment period following the October 30 hearing has been extended to ensure adequate time for review of the official transcript. Comments will now be accepted through close of business November 13, 2015.

  • NAO-2015-1163 VMRC 2015-1113 Temple Ave

    Expiration date: 12/3/2015

    Rinker Design Associates proposes to reconstruct and realign the Temple Avenue/I-95 interchange. The project, revised since the original submittal on July 31, 2015, would involve the widening, lengthening, and realignment of the exit/entrance ramp for traffic on I-95. Public comment period ends Dec. 3, 2015