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Tag: Virginia Department of Transportation
  • CENAO-WRR-19-RP-01_reissuance

    Expiration date: 4/15/2024

    The Norfolk District announces the reissuance of the following Regional Permit that expired on August 14, 2018. Regional Permit 01 for certain Virginia Department of Transportation roadway and railway projects involving work, structures, and filling (both temporary and permanent), in waters of the United States, within the geographical limits of the Commonwealth of Virginia under the regulatory jurisdiction of the Norfolk District Army Corps of Engineers.

  • NAO-2013-02125

    Expiration date: 12/26/2014

    The Chesterfield County Department of Transportation proposes to improve approximately 3,500 linear feet of Newby’s Bridge Road between Hagood Lane and Belmont Road in Chesterfield County, Virginia. Public comment period ends Dec. 26, 2014.

  • NAO-2013-2330

    Expiration date: 4/22/2014

    The Virginia Department of Transportation,or VDOT, proposes to improve the interchange located at Exit 310 Interstate 81, south of Winchester in Frederick County, Va. The work will occur in tributaries to Opequon Creek and Hoge Run.

  • NAO-2008-03470

    Expiration date: 1/27/2014

    The Norfolk District announces the publication of a Notice of Intent to Issue a Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) for the Route 460 Location Study from Prince George County to the City of Suffolk, Virginia. Public comment period ends January 27, 2014.
  • NAO-2009-1851

    Expiration date: 1/13/2014

    Loudon County and Virginia Department of Transportation, or VDOT, propose to improve traffic flow and alleviate traffic delays at the intersection of Route 7 and Route 659. This project would support the County’s goal of widening Route 7 to eight lanes and includes a single-point urban interchange, which would carry Route 659 over Route 7. A single traffic signal would be installed above the single-point interchange on the bridge deck, and all turning movements would be adequately accommodated by the interchange. Route 659 is proposed to include a four-lane divided roadway with a wide median to accommodate future widening to six lanes in the median. The need for an interchange at the existing intersection is evident from existing travel patterns, peak hour delays, and backups (queues) at the existing signal. The proposed work will permanently impact 0.397 ac. of nontidal forested wetlands, 0.156 ac. of nontidal emergent wetlands, 0.013 ac. of nontidal open water wetlands, 1994 linear feet of streams. In addition, the proposed work will result in temporary impacts to 0.012 ac. of nontidal emergent wetlands, 0.007 ac. of nontidal open water wetlands and 275 linear feet of streams.