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Tag: Virginia Department of Transportation
  • NAO-2020-00567

    Expiration date: 9/28/2020

    The Virginia Department of Transportation proposes to construct the "Berry Hill Connector Road" on new alignment from the Oak Ridge Farms Road Interchange at Route 58 to Berry Hill Road in Pittsylvania County. The preferred alternative new road is a 2-mile, two-lane divided highway with grading for a future four-lane divided highway and will provide access to Berry Hill Industrial Park. The project has 15 wetland and stream crossings, impacting Childress Creek and its tributaries, as well as tributaries to the Dan River, McGuff Creek and associated wetlands.

  • NAO-2007-00380

    Expiration date: 8/17/2020

    The Virginia Department of Transportation proposes to address transportation needs along the Route 220 corridor between the North Carolina state line and Route 58 near Martinsville in Henry County, Virginia.
  • Proposed funded agreement

    Expiration date: 3/7/2020

    This public notice announces the preliminary intent of Norfolk District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to accept and expend funds from the Virginia Department of Transportation to expedite processing of its Department of the Army permit applications, subject to certain limitations. The notice also solicits public comments on acceptance and expenditure of funds contributed by VDOT to expedite the evaluation of Army permit applications for projects with a public purpose.

  • 2019-RP-11

    Expiration date: 9/26/2024

    Norfolk District announces the issuance of Regional Permit 11 in support of the administration's initiative to streamline the approval and construction of infrastructure projects in Virginia. RP-11 is for use by the Virginia Department of Transportation to expedite projects that would qualify for a nonreporting nationwide permit but for the Endangered Species Act general condition. RP-11 will allow VDOT to go to construction more quickly in cases where it can comply with the Endangered Species Act through informal consultation. In those cases, a preconstruction notification is not required, but VDOT will report the projects proceeding under RP-11.
  • NAO-2019-00679

    Expiration date: 6/3/2019

    The Virginia Department of Transportation proposes to widen existing Route 639 from two lanes to four for 0.85 miles with a sidewalk added on one side and a shared-use path on the other. The location is Route 639, Ladysmith Road, between the west end of the bridge on Route 639 over I-95 at Exit 110 westward to the intersection with U.S. Route 1 in Caroline County, Virginia.