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Tag: Elizabeth River
  • NAO-2019-01614

    Expiration date: 11/7/2021

    Naval Station Norfolk is the homeport of numerous ships and provides operational readiness support to the U.S .Atlantic Fleet with its facilities. The deperming station is located within the waters of the Elizabeth River provides magnetic silencing services for military vessels. The proposed regulation is necessary to better protect underwater equipment, personnel, and vessels utilizing the facility by implementing a waterside security program. The applicant proposes to establish new restricted area in the Navigation Regulations (33 C.F.R. §334.296).

  • NAO-2009-5001

    Expiration date: 8/6/2021

    Lyon Shipyard proposes dredging and the construction of a travel lift and piers in Norfolk, Virginia, on the Eastern Branch of the Elizabeth River, with a public comment period ending Aug. 6.

  • PN NAO-2009-00044

    Expiration date: 3/16/2019

    The Living River Restoration Trust proposes to establish a sub-aqueous bottom compensatory mitigation site within the Elizabeth River Basin in the City of Portsmouth. The site is the first proposed under LRRT's modified Program Instrument.

  • NAO-2010-0404

    Expiration date: 10/9/2018

    Virginia Port Authority, has requested to widen the southern access channel further than what was previously authorized to allow enough room for the turning of Ultra Large Container Vessels (ULCV) outside of the federal channel, maintaining navigation in the proximity of Norfolk International Terminals.

  • NAO-2010-0404/ VMRC#17-V1047

    Expiration date: 8/11/2017

    This request from Virginia Port Authority is for both new and maintenance dredging at Norfolk International Terminals in Norfolk, VA. The purpose is to maintain safe navigation of vessels calling at NIT as well as meeting the requirements of larger shipping vessels.