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Lake Drummond Reservation Temporary Restriction, Dismal Swamp Canal, Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway

Published May 6, 2015

Effective May 11, 2015, the Lake Drummond Reservation on the Dismal Swamp Canal, Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway, Chesapeake, Virginia, will have limited public visitation due to construction activities. A Norfolk District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers contractor will repair aging bulkhead east of the Lake Drummond Spillway.

The closure includes approximately one-half acre of land, one of the two screened-in porches, two of the three barbeque grills, and the fire pit.

Approximately one-half acre on the west side of the reservation will remain open to public visitation, as shown on the attached drawing.

Visitors can expect temporary water and electrical shut downs, barge traffic on the Feeder Ditch, and loud construction activity during daylight hours.

A public notice will be issued reopening the reservation to full capacity later this fall.

For more information, contact Mr. Joel Scussel at 757-201 -7642;