Public Notice Distribution List

To be added to the Regulatory Branch Public Notice email distribution list, please send an email to Rod Desk at 

  • NAO-2008-2007; 13-V0292

    Expiration date: 8/2/2013

    The applicant is requesting authorization to permanently impact 5.40 acres of forested headwater wetlands for the construction of Nimmo Quay East and West; a single family residential subdivision that was previously permitted (97-1450-18) in 1998 and modified in 2003 but never constructed.

  • NAO-2007-0818 Vulcan Construction

    Expiration date: 7/29/2013

    Vulcan Construction Materials proposes to expand the existing quarry pit on the 708-acre Vulcan Jack Quarry site in Dinwiddie County, Virginia. The purpose of the work is to extract minerals on a 180-acre portion to the east of the existing pit by extending the existing quarry pit and associated operations and to ensure the maximum extraction of minerals in the most efficient manner.

  • NAO - Regional Supplements Grandfather Provision and Wetland Delineations

    Expiration date: 7/26/2013

    Norfolk District Regulatory Branch has developed additional guidance on the use of data sheets from the 1987 Wetland Delineation Manual.

  • 07-SPGP-01 Annual Report

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Norfolk District, in collaboration with the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, announces the completion of the 2011-2012 07-SPGP annual report as well as an overall 07-SPGP-01 program summary report. The completed 07-SPGP-01 Annual Report is enclosed with this notice. If you have any questions about this notice, you may contact Anna Lawston at 540-937-4197 or via email at

  • NAO-2007-4170 (VMRC 13-0678)

    Expiration date: 6/24/2013

    The project is part of a mixed use commercial/campus development that is a part of a larger mixed-use facility associated with the expansion of the Jefferson Labs complex. The project is located in non-tidal wetlands that drain by ditch and tributary to Deep Creek and the James River; and also to Brick Kiln Creek, Big Bethel Reservoir, and the Back River. The project site is at the southeastern intersection of Jefferson Boulevard and Oyster Point Road, in Newport News, Va.