Public Notice Distribution List

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  • NAO 2009-2433

    Expiration date: 2/11/2013

    This is a reissuance of the original public notice dated September 7, 2012 to show recently submitted changes to the project. These changes include additional impacts to open water pond areas on the property. The applicant proposes to construct a mixed use development to include multi-family and single family housing developments along with roads and utility servitudes. Public comment period ends Feb. 11, 2013.

  • NAO-2012-2244

    Expiration date: 2/13/2013

    The City of Norfolk proposes to demolish eleven derelict timber groins, replace a derelict timber groin with a new rock/sheet pile groin and construct a beach nourishment project from approximately 3rd View Street to Ocean View Beach Park in the West Ocean View area of Norfolk, Va. Public comment period ends Feb. 13, 2013.

  • SPGP Programmatic Agreement

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Norfolk District announces an amended Programmatic Agreement between the Norfolk District Corps of Engineers, the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality and the Virginia State Historic Preservation Office executed under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act.

  • NAO-2012-02060

    Expiration date: 2/11/2013

    The applicant proposes to construct a pile supported rowing and sailing facility over tidal waters and construct 228 linear feet of bulkhead and 182 linear feet of rip rap revetment beneath the proposed structure. Two existing piers in the northern portion of the property will be removed and replaced with two floating piers. Two existing piers in the western portion of the project area will be removed and replaced by a single fixed pier and an existing pier in the southern portion of the project area will be extended 54 linear feet. The project is located on the East River at the terminus of Williams Wharf Road in Mathews County, Virginia.

  • NAO 2012-2152

    Expiration date: 2/4/2013

    The applicant proposes to construct an earthen berm along the southern property boundary of the property known as Curles Neck Farm in order to protect the wetland system from sea level rise. The applicant proposes to convert an onsite borrow pit into a mitigation area and create 3.1 acres of tidal forested wetlands and 0.5 acres of emergent tidal wetlands. Public comment period ends Feb. 4, 2013.