Public Notice Distribution List

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  • Reissuance of Norfolk District Regional Permits

    The Norfolk District announces the reissuance of seven (7) Regional Permits. Effective August 14, 2013, these permits supersede and replace all previous versions.
  • NAO-2008-1100

    Expiration date: 8/31/2013

    This public notice, dated 1 AUG 2013, is for the Commonwealth Crossing Business Center (CCBC) in Henry County, Virginia and Rockingham County, North Carolina. The applicant's stated purpose of the CCBC is to provide infrastructure, transportation and pad site improvements to accommodate construction for two proposed industrial sites; Project Mercury and Project Atlantis. The entire parcel known as the Roma-Sharpe property is 739 acres; for this proposed phase one, 175 acres will be developed. This public notice expires 31 AUG 2013.

  • NAO-2000-2203 (12-V1378)

    Expiration date: 8/6/2013

    Plains Marketing, L.P. C/O Mr. Dean Gore has applied for a permit modification for redevelopment of the Yorktown Terminal located in York County, Va. The applicant requests additional authorization to permanently impact 0.196 acres of nontidal wetlands and waters of the U.S. and to temporarily impact 1.53 acres of nontidal wetlands and waters of the U.S. to allow for unavoidable impacts during construction.

  • CENAO-WR-R 2007-04560, 03-V0002, 13-V0688

    Expiration date: 8/20/2013

    Waste Associates C/O Mr. Ernie DeCasper has applied for a permit modification for “The East End Landfill” located in Henrico County, Va. The applicant requests additional authorization to impact 2.45 acres of palustrine open water (borrow pits) and 290 linear feet of intermittent stream for the purpose of expanding the existing landfill with appropriate mitigation.

  • VARTF 2012

    Expiration date: 8/9/2013

    The Norfolk District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, in collaboration with the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality and The Nature Conservancy of Virginia, announces the completion of the Virginia Aquatic Resources Trust Fund 2012 Annual Report. The completed report is attached to this notice. Contact Anna Lawston at 540-937-4197 ( or Jeanne Richardson at 434-384-0182 ( with questions by the close of business on Aug. 9, 2013.