Archive: 2019
  • July

    From slide rule to role model: Longtime project manager set to retire from Norfolk District

    NORFOLK, Va. – A major asset at Norfolk District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is calling it a career after more than four decades on the job. Beloved, admired and respected among Corps colleagues and partners alike, Robert Pretlow is stepping away after 44 years of federal service.
  • Notice of Norfolk District mosquito spraying date

    Weather permitting, the Norfolk District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will conduct aerial mosquito treatment over federal property of Craney Island, Virginia, July 26.
  • Norfolk District begins James River dredging

    NORFOLK, Va. – James River Federal Navigation Project engineers are ramping up efforts to minimize shoaling effects and improve safe navigation along Central Virginia’s winding watershed. Norfolk District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Cottrell Contracting Corp. commenced maintenance dredging Sunday in the 7.6-mile Dancing Point-Swann Point channel.
  • Gathright Dam’s second pulse release of 2019 set for Wednesday

    COVINGTON, Va. – Gathright Dam operators are scheduled to carry out the year’s second water-pulse release from Lake Moomaw on Wednesday. It will take place between 6 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.
  • North Landing Bridge closed to vehicle traffic for repairs

    Following emergency repairs this week, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Norfolk District officials said North Landing Bridge should be reopen to vehicle traffic before noon Thursday.
  • Leaders sign Norfolk Coastal Storm Risk Management design agreement

    NORFOLK, Va. – The Norfolk Coastal Storm Risk Management project just got another boost from city officials and Norfolk District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Col. Patrick Kinsman, district commander, and City Manager Doug Smith signed the design agreement Friday, clearing a path for the Army and Norfolk to share costs in funding and developing full designs for the first construction feature.
  • June

    Corps, DLA celebrate opening of new Operations Center

    Four years after construction began in 2015, Defense Logistics Agency Aviation Commander Air Force Brig. Gen. Linda Hurry officiated a ribbon cutting ceremony commemorating the opening of the DLA Aviation Operations Center June 25.
  • USACE to host Industry Day for architect-engineer firms July 23

    NORFOLK, Va. – Architect-engineer firms are invited to learn more about the Norfolk District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers workload for fiscal year 2020 and beyond at a special Industry Day slated for July 23 at Fort Norfolk.
  • Gathright Dam’s first pulse release set for Wednesday

    COVINGTON, Va. – Gathright Dam operators are scheduled to conduct the year’s first water-pulse release from Lake Moomaw on Wednesday. It will occur about 6 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
  • Virginia Beach oceanfront storm-damage reduction program slated to kick off

    The Virginia Beach Hurricane and Storm Damage Reduction Project, a joint effort by the city of Virginia Beach and Norfolk District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, is slated to begin Thursday. Beginning at 15th Street, Great Lakes Dredge and Dock Company is working toward the placement of sand after mobilization efforts Wednesday.
  • Norfolk District awards $20.3 million contract for Sandbridge Beach storm protection

    Although not even officially summer, the city of Virginia Beach and Norfolk District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers are already preparing for winter. The district has awarded the Sandbridge Hurricane Protection and Beach Renourishment project contract to Great Lakes Dredge and Dock Company.
  • Notice of Norfolk District mosquito spraying date modification

    The Norfolk District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and the city of Portsmouth, Virginia, are slated to conduct joint aerial mosquito spraying over federal properties June 22. If conditions do not allow for treatment Saturday, another date will be tentatively scheduled.
  • Hero of the Week: District attorney relishes diverse days, ‘concrete’ results

    This week’s Norfolk District Hero of the Week wasn’t searching for a predictable and repetitive career, which might explain his success here. Kyle Guess, Norfolk District assistant district council, said no two days have been the same since joining the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers nearly 10 years ago – and for that, he’s grateful.
  • Norfolk District to start spraying for mosquitoes at Craney Island

    Norfolk District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will conduct the season's first aerial-mosquito treatment Friday over federal property at the Craney Island Dredged Material Management Area.
  • Norfolk District awards $40 million aviation maintenance training facility contract

    The Norfolk District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers announced a $40 million contract awarded yesterday to Virginia-based S.B. Ballard Construction Company to build an aviation maintenance training facility on Joint Base Langley-Eustis, Virginia.
  • Corps, city postpone Lynnhaven meeting

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the city of Virginia Beach have cancelled the public meeting scheduled for Monday, June 10 from 6– 7:30 p.m. at the city of Virginia Beach Municipal Center, Building 19, Room A/B, 2416 Courthouse Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23456.
  • Nansemond project’s Restoration Advisory Board to meet June 6

    SUFFOLK, Va. — Restoration efforts at Former Nansemond Ordnance Depot remain a priority for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The project's next Restoration Advisory Board meeting is set for Thursday from 6:15 to 8:15 p.m. at Tidewater Community College’s Center for Workforce Solutions.
  • May

    Norfolk District’s ‘Hero’ delivers real estate, strengthens community relations

    For Norfolk District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to “Move the Dirt,” skilled employees must first “Get the Dirt.” That’s the role of a realty specialist. Given her quick success in that process, Stacey Nolan is the district’s “Hero of the Week.” A member of Real Estate’s Acquisition, Management and Disposal Section, she credits the office’s rapid research practices for mission success.
  • Corps, state to hold Gathright Dam stakeholders meeting June 5

    U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Norfolk District, in conjunction with the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries and Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, will host a stakeholders meeting this week to present results of the recent targeted bug study conducted to address data gaps in the Jackson River upstream of Smith Bridge.  
  • USACE announces Gathright Dam pulse release dates for 2019

    Norfolk District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will conduct six pulse releases from the Gathright Dam and Lake Moomaw project near Covington between June and October.