Public Notice Distribution List

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Archive: March, 2015
  • NAO-2008-00254

    Expiration date: 4/26/2015

    The applicant proposes to continue construction of the Meadowville Technology Park. This phase of the project, known as Logistic Zones, consists of the construction of building pads, buildings, parking, roads, utility lines and stormwater management facilities. Comment period ends on April 26, 2015.

  • NAO-2014-1362/14-V1049 Tree Chop Circle pier

    Expiration date: 4/17/2015

    The applicant proposes to construct a new pier and mechanically dredge approximately 1,283 square feet (135 cubic yards) to a depth not to exceed -4.5 feet mean low water (MLW) for a single residence boat basin that will provide ingress/egress to a previously approved Special Service District channel. Public comment period ends April 18, 2015.

  • NAO-2015-0405 Loudon County Public Schools

    Expiration date: 4/20/2015

    Loudoun County Public Schools proposes to construct a new middle school campus on an approximately 72-acre parcel, east of the intersection of Evergreen Mills Road (Route 621) and Fleetwood Road (Route 616), in Loudoun County, Virginia. Comments are due April 20, 2015.

  • NAO-2007-2423 Route 7/Ashburn Village Blvd

    Expiration date: 4/17/2015

    Shirley Contracting proposes improvements from the existing at-grade intersection to a grade-separated interchange at the intersection of Harry Byrd Highway (Route 7) and Ashburn Village Boulevard in Loudoun County, Virginia. Comments are due April 20, 2015.

  • NAO-2011-1046 Chesapeake RV Solutions

    Expiration date: 4/17/2015

    This project involves the construction of a recreational vehicle sales and repair facility on Hillcrest Parkway in Chesapeake, Virginia, between Battlefield Boulevard and the Chesapeake Expressway. Approximately 3.11 acres of palustrine forested wetlands will be impacted by the proposed RV facility. The wetlands are located within the Northwest River drainage basin.