Public Notice Distribution List

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Archive: 2014
  • NAO-2012-00080/13-V0408

    Expiration date: 12/6/2014

    Dominion Virginia Power continues to propose construction of a new electrical transmission power line and associated infrastructure, known as Surry - Skiffes Creek - Whealton project. We are soliciting comments specific to historic property identification under the Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and Dominion’s November 6, 2014 Surry – Skiffes Creek – Wheatlon 500 kV / 230kV Alternatives Analysis. Comment Period Expires: December 6, 2014

  • 2011-00961-arl

    Expiration date: 12/10/2014

    The City of Manassas proposes the construction of an in-line regional stormwater management facility that will assist the City in meeting Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) requirements. The approximately 24 acre project site is located to the southeast of the intersection of Rolling Road and Hospital Way in the City of Manassas, Virginia.

  • 2014-01400; 14-V1467

    Expiration date: 11/25/2014

    The applicant proposes to construct a phase of the Virginia Capital Trail Project known as Park Phase. The Park Phase is a 55 mile dedicated, paved pedestrian and bicycle trail owned by the Virginia Department of Transportation and will connect Jamestown to Richmond along the Route 5 corridor.

  • Buckroe Beach Formerly Used Defense Site Comment Period and Public Meeting

    Expiration date: 12/24/2014

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is proposing placing land use controls, such as signs, training and education materials, for the Buckroe Beach Formerly Used Defense Site in Hampton, Virginia. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers invites the community to attend a public meeting to learn more about the site and proposed plan. Public comment period ends Dec. 24, 2014.

  • NAO-2007-1585

    Expiration date: 12/6/2014

    Liberty University, LLC proposes to permanently impact 1.14 acres of palustrine forested wetlands in order to expand the existing "Athletic Precinct" of the campus in the City of Lynchburg, Virginia. The approximately 6.3 acre property is located within the existing Liberty University Main Campus boundaries. Public comment period ends Dec. 6, 2014.