Public Notice Distribution List

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Tag: wetlands
  • NAO-2017-1468 / VMRC 23-4025 (Nike Park Road, Ise of Wight County, VA)

    Expiration date: 7/13/2023

    The proposed Nike Park Road Extension project will consist of constructing a new approximately one mile, two lane collector roadway that will also include the construction of a multi-use path that will run parallel to the new facility. The project will impact approximately 157,068 square feet (SF) of nontidal forested wetland; 165 SF of nontidal emergent wetland: and 48.2 linear feet (LF) of jurisdictional ditch. In addition, approximately 1800.7 of nontidal forested wetland; 109.4 SF of unconsolidated bottom; 64LF of intermittent stream. Public comments should be received by close of business July 12, 2023.
  • NAO-2022-01808 (NP Austin Ridge, LLC, Stafford, Virginia)

    Expiration date: 7/6/2023

    NP Austin Ridge, LLC has proposed to construct four warehouse and associated parking, utilities, internal roads, and stormwater management ponds to serve the Washington DC metropolitan area. Public comments should be received by the close of business on July 6, 2023

  • NAO-2019-01172 (Howe Farm Mitigation Bank, Hampton, Virginia)

    Expiration date: 6/30/2023

    Back Creek at Howe Farms, LLC (sponsor) proposes a compensatory mitigation bank located in Hampton, Virginia. Public comments should be by the close of business on June 30, 2023
  • NAO-2021-03036 (Yardworks Manufacturing Facility, Chesterfield County, Virginia)

    Expiration date: 6/2/2023

    The applicant proposes construction an organic mulching facility at 20751 and 20901 Hull Street Road, Chesterfield, VA. The proposal includes construction of inventory storage areas, mulch processing, a sales center, employee parking, and mulch dye area. The proposed project will permanently impact 0.47 acre of non-tidal forested wetland (PFO) and 0.05 acre of non-tidal emergent wetland (PEM). Public comments should be received by the close of business on June 2, 2023

  • NAO-2019-01099/23-V0598 (Elbow Road widening, Chesapeake, Virginia)

    Expiration date: 5/17/2023

    The proposed Elbow Road Widening Phase II project is designed to address various transportation concerns along Elbow Road. A traffic study was conducted by Clark Nexsen in October 2019 and revealed current and anticipated traffic needs for the existing roadway. According to the report, the two-lane roadway currently operates at a Level of Service (LOS) D and is projected to degrade to a LOS E by the year 2030-2031. Therefore, to address traffic/congestion needs, the report recommended a four-lane road section. The proposed work involves adding 2 new lanes to the south of the existing Elbow Road and sidewalks/bike/multiuse lanes on each side of Elbow Road. The proposed work will impact 14.21 acres of wetlands.