Public Notice Distribution List

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Tag: Virginia
  • NAO-2023-01759 (Lake Anna Tech Campus; Amazon, Louisa County, Virginia)

    Expiration date: 6/27/2024

    Amazon Data Services, Inc. proposes the construction of a data center and associated infrastructure, including parking, internal roads, two substations, and one stormwater pond. The Corps in consultation with the SHPO determined that the proposed federal action will result in an adverse effect on site 44LS0298 and that with the implementation of minimization efforts outlined in the Assessment of Effects for Laurel Hill Baptist Church (dated April 23, 2024) will not adversely affect 054-5530. The Corps is consulting further to develop and evaluate alternatives or modifications to the undertaking that could avoid, minimize, or mitigate adverse effects on historic properties. Comments should be received by the close of business on June 27, 2024.

  • NAO-2016-00355 (Unilock - Project Lego, Hanover County, Virginia)

    Expiration date: 7/3/2024

    The project proposes to construct a manufacturing facility and associated infrastructure. Comments should be received by the close of business on July 3, 2024.

  • Third Party Compensation Meeting

    Expiration date: 6/29/2024

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Norfolk District Regulatory Branch (USACE) and the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) are hosting a Mitigation Bank/In Lieu Fee (ILF) Meeting (Meeting) for environmental consultants and Bank/ILF Sponsors working within the Commonwealth of Virginia.
  • NAO-2022-02853 (Fleetwood East Mitigation Bank, Fauquier County, Virginia)

    Expiration date: 6/27/2024

    The Sponsor proposes to design, construct, establish, and operate Fleetwood East Mitigation Bank (Bank). The sponsor is proposing 27.34 wetland credits to be generated through wetland creation (20.65 acres) and wetland enhancement (16.17 acres) and 22,768 stream credits to be generated through a combination of stream restoration, stream enhancement, stream buffer establishment (87 acres), and livestock exclusion along a combination of 23,044 linear feet of existing streams. The purpose of the Bank is to provide off-site compensatory mitigation for projects that result in unavoidable impacts to waters of the U.S. including wetlands and streams. Comments should be received by the close of business on June 27, 2024.
  • NAO-2024-00919 (Lake Overton BMP Retrofit, Henrico, Virginia)

    Expiration date: 6/20/2024

    The proposed project at Lake Overton includes the removal of accumulated sediment, the renovation and upgrade to a stormwater management facility that includes aquatic benches, a cold water intake, and work to accommodate future sediment removal needs. Comments should be received by the close of business on June 20, 2024.