Tag: Clean Water Act
  • 2001-03702; 12-V0849

    Expiration date: 9/20/2012

    The project site is approximately 150 acres and is located south of Otterdale Branch, generally west of Otterdale Road, in Chesterfield County, Virginia. The site drains into Otterdale Branch, which drains into Swift Creek, a tributary to the Appomattox River. The stated purpose of the project is to complete construction of a single family residential development known as Summerlake. Public comments should be received by the close of business on Sept. 19, 2012.

  • NAO-2001-2350; 12-V0719

    Expiration date: 9/14/2012

    The applicant proposes to discharge fill material in 0.08 acre of palustrine scrub-shrub wetlands to construct a permanent access road to an existing regional storm water management facility located within the project limits. Cumulative impacts to waters of the U.S. for the development of Northlake Industrial Park are approximately 2.7 acres. The public comment period ends Sept 14, 2012.

  • NAO-2006-7731/12-V0974

    Expiration date: 9/3/2012

    Reed Enterprises, Inc. proposes to expand an existing commercial automobile maintenance operation by constructing two 6,000 square foot collision repair buildings and associated parking, and relocating an existing storm water pond (BMP). The project is located south of the intersection of Holland Road and Dam Neck Road on GPIN numbers 1495-13-8628 and 1495-14-6175 in Virginia Beach, Va. The site drains into West Neck Creek, a tributary to North Landing River, a navigable water of the U.S.