Tag: Potomac River
  • NAO-2011-1384

    Expiration date: 5/29/2013

    The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) is requesting two modifications to its existing Letter of Permission (LOP-1) and Individual Permit that authorized the original work on this Route 50 project, which is being widened to relieve traffic congestion and improve safety. The LOP-1 was authorized on Nov. 16, 2011, and a later Individual Permit was issued for additional wetland and stream impacts at the Cub Run crossing on Sept. 27, 2012. Public comment period ends May 29, 2013.

  • Millennium Project EA Update

    Expiration date: 4/12/2013

    This announcement has been prepared to update interested stakeholders on refinements to the design for the Millennium Project at Arlington National Cemetery (ANC). As part of the public process, ANC strives to provide information and updates on the project as the design evolves.

  • NAO-2003-01474

    Expiration date: 1/14/2013

    The District Engineer has received a mitigation site addendum to establish stream credits on the Bender Farm (Potomac River Umbrella Mitigation Bank) compensatory mitigation site for Federal and State permits.