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Tag: impacts
  • NAO-2004-1319

    Expiration date: 7/3/2014

    LSR Creighton, LLC proposes to construct infrastructures to serve an industrial park to be known as Power Road Industrial Park in Hanover County, Virginia. Public comment period ends July 3, 2014.

  • NAO-05-2597

    Expiration date: 6/26/2014

    Virginia Regional 1 proposes to construct Phase II of the Virginia Regional Commerce Park, which will include the construction of three warehouse structures totaling 695,550 square feet of building space, two wet retention storm water management ponds, access roads, ingress/egress stubs, parking, and trailer parking/storage space. In addition, the southern portion of the property fronting Pruden Boulevard will be developed with commercial, office and retail facilities, associated access roads and parking. Public comment period ends June 26, 2014.

  • NAO-2000-1534

    Expiration date: 10/11/2013

    Old Stage Coxendale, LLC is proposing to permanently impact 1.36 acres of Palustrine scrub-shrub wetlands, 0.95 acres of Palustrine open water, and temporarily impact 35 linear feet of intermittent stream channel, to construct an approximately 25 acre industrial building pad, parking lot, utilities, an access road and stormwater management facilities for a proposed truck maintenance facility. Public comment period ends Oct. 11, 2013.

  • NAO-2008-00429 13-V1389

    Expiration date: 10/10/2013

    The applicant is proposing to permanently impact 0.69 acre of palustrine emergent wetlands and to temporarily impact 0.31 acre of palustrine emergent wetlands for the construction of a two-lane road in Chesterfield County, Va. The proposed road will ultimately connect the existing Meadowville Parkway to Enon Church Road. Public comment period ends Oct. 10, 2013.

  • NAO-2006-07333/13-V0953

    Expiration date: 7/31/2013

    Prince William County Public Schools proposes the construction of 12th High School on an approximately 110-acre site along the eastern side of Dumfries Road, south of the intersection of Dumfries Road and Hoadly Road (Route 642) in Prince William County, Virginia. The work will occur in tributaries to Powell’s Creek. Public comment period ends July 31, 2013.