CENAO-WR-RN December 18, 2012
The District Engineer has received a prospectus to establish a compensatory mitigation bank for Federal and State permits as described below:
Loudoun Mitigation Bank LLC
Attn: Mr. Joe Bane
12022 Meadowville Court
Herndon, VA 20170
WATERWAY AND LOCATION OF THE PROPOSED WORK: The project is located on a portion of an approximately 900-acre parcel adjacent to Harpers Ferry Road (Route 671), north of the intersection with Sawmill Lane (Route 686) in Loudoun County, Virginia. The work will occur in Piney Run and its tributaries.
PROPOSED WORK AND PURPOSE: The bank sponsor proposes to establish a compensatory mitigation banking agreement to provide mitigation for impacts to streams within the specified service area. The project is called Blue Ridge Center for Environmental Stewardship (BRCES) Stream Mitigation Bank. A copy of the prospectus and supporting documentation is located on RIBITS at https://ribits.usace.army.mil under Norfolk District Banks & ILF Sites Tab in the Draft Prospectus folder under BRCES Draft. The service area shall include hydrologic unit 02070008 and the adjoining hydrologic units of 02070007 and the Piedmont areas (west of Interstate 95) of 02070010, within Loudoun, Fauquier, Prince William, Fairfax, and Stafford Counties.
AUTHORITY: Permits may be required pursuant to Sections 401 and 404 of the Clean Water Act (Public Law 95-217), and Title 62.1 of the Code of Virginia. Issuance of a public notice regarding proposed mitigation banks is required pursuant to the “Compensatory Mitigation for Losses of Aquatic Resources; Final Rule,” (Rule) as published in the April 10, 2008, Federal Register, Vol. 73, No. 70, Pages 19594-19705 (33 CFR Parts 325 and 332).
COMMENT PERIOD: Comments should be made in writing to Mr. Ron Stouffer at U.S. Army Corps of Engineers – Norfolk District, Northern Virginia Field Office, 18139 Triangle Plaza, Suite 213, Dumfries, VA 22026, and should arrive by the close of business on January 17, 2012.
Nicholas L. Konchuba
Chief, Northern Virginia
Regulatory Section