If you have questions about documents on this page, call 757-201-7652.
Pipe-repair guidelines - June 30, 2010
Guidelines for application of Nationwide Permits for projects involving road crossing pipe/culvert maintenance.
Pipe-repair guidelines
Pipe Repair Guidelines public notice
Liquified natural gas projects - Nov. 29, 2004
In order to ensure proposed liquified natural gas projects are being reviewed consistently and in accordance with reference documents and other laws and regulations, as applicable, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers headquarters has developed regulatory standard operating procedures for processing LNG projects.
Standard operating procedures for LNG projects
Endangered Species Act
Endangered Species Act compliance (memo from Charles Hess, dated Nov. 18, 1999)
National Historic Preservation Act of 1966
1996 PA-Corps, ACHP, VDHR
Programmatic Streamlined Review - Appendix A to 1996 PA (July 2018)
Historic resources SOP (July 2018)
Information submittal requirements/suggestions
Information that will facilitate Corps review of nationwide, regional and individual permit applications (updated Oct. 14, 2003)
Navigable Waters
Navigable Waters of the United States (waterways, within the state of Virginia, regulated under Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899)
GPS guidance
Office guidance for use of preparing wetland delineation maps with global positioning system data points (September 1998)