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Tag: wetlands
  • NAO-2006-5097

    Tri City Properties, LLC proposes to fill 47.1 acres of forested non-tidal wetlands in order to construct a mixed commercial-residential development known as Centerville Properties on a 53.8-acre portion of a larger parcel (428 acres). The wetlands are adjacent to a tributary to Stumpy Lake and the North Landing River. The property is located on the east side of Centerville Turnpike North in the Greenbrier area of Chesapeake, Virginia. Public Notice comment period ends February 19, 2016.

  • NAO-1990-2297 - Maplewood Landfill

    Expiration date: 2/8/2016

    The applicant proposes to construct a 40-foot overhead utility line corridor to provide electricity to operate two new sump pumps for leachate management to new cells at the Maplewood Landfill and to complete construction of the perimeter road previously permitted but not completed prior to permit expiration. The project is located on Maplewood Branch a tributary of the Appomattox and James Rivers and the Chesapeake Bay of at the intersection of U.S.n360 and Maplewood Road in Amelia County, Virginia.

  • NAO-2015-1064

    Expiration date: 1/18/2016

    The applicant proposes to construct a 23 lot single family home subdivision, roads and remove the existing pond located in the north west corner of the intersection of Kain Road and North Gayton Road, Henrico County, Virginia.

  • NAO-2008-03470 Route 460

    Expiration date: 1/5/2016

    The applicant proposes to construct improvements along the U.S. Route 460 Corridor. From approximately one mile west of Zuni to two miles west of Windsor (approximately 4 miles), the applicant proposes to reconstruct and upgrade existing Route 460 to a four-lane divided highway. From two miles west of Windsor to the Route 460/Route 58 interchange in Suffolk (approx 12 miles), the applicant proposes to construct a new four-lane divided highway that would run north around Windsor, then cross existing Route 460 east of Windsor and run south of the existing Route 460 to Route 58. The applicant proposes to permanently impact 35.77 acres of non-tidal wetlands, 7,663 linear feet of stream and 9,339 lf of jurisdictional ditches. To compensate for unavoidable impacts, the applicant proposes a combination of mitigation bank credits, restoration of wetlands, and preservation of wetlands to expand existing conservation areas.

  • NAO-2015-1163 VMRC 2015-1113 Temple Ave

    Expiration date: 12/3/2015

    Rinker Design Associates proposes to reconstruct and realign the Temple Avenue/I-95 interchange. The project, revised since the original submittal on July 31, 2015, would involve the widening, lengthening, and realignment of the exit/entrance ramp for traffic on I-95. Public comment period ends Dec. 3, 2015