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Tag: Data Center
  • NAO-2019-1754

    Expiration date: 5/25/2020

    The applicant proposes to construct an expansion of the existing data center by constructing two additional single-story data center buildings, a two story administrative building, roads, stormwater management facilities, and associated utilities on a 292 acre parcel known as Project Echo Site 7.

  • NAO-2017-0942

    Expiration date: 8/14/2019

    Chesterfield Economic Development Authority proposes to provide a development site for buildings, parking areas, connecting roadways, utilities and stormwater management facilities known as the American Tobacco site on 324 acres. The applicants stated purpose is to construct a large scale data center.

  • NAO-2005-02583

    Expiration date: 5/13/2019

    Arcola Limited Partnership proposes the modification of the existing authorized Arcola Center permit to include additional impacts associated with the construction of a data center campus on 134 acres west of the intersection of Evergreen Mills Road (Route 621) and Loudoun County Parkway (Route 606) in Loudoun County, Virginia. Additional permanent impacts of 0.68 acres of palustrine forested (PFO) wetlands and 0.55 acre (2,082 linear feet) of stream channels are planned. Comments are due May 13.

  • CENAO-2006-01343

    Expiration date: 12/16/2016

    Notice is hereby given that VADATA, Inc is proposing to enter into a Memorandum of Agreement with the US Army Corps of Engineers and Virginia Department of Historic Resources under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. The Midwood project, a proposed data center with associated infrastructure, is located within the Core of the Buckland Mills Battlefield in Haymarket, Virginia. Public comment period ends Dec .16, 2016.