• April

    NAO-2022-0448 / VMRC 23-4011 (SPSA Landfill Flyover, Suffolk, Virginia)

    Applicant proposes to construct a flyover ramp to accommodate the Eastbound traffic entering SPSA landfill in Suffolk, VA. Currently, traffic accessing the SPSA landfill from U.S. 58 East Bound utilizes a median crossover, crossing U.S. 58 West Bound to access Bob Foeller Drive (landfill access road). Public comments should be received by May 21, 2023.
  • USACE awards $59.5 million contract to construct new Deep Creek Bridge in Chesapeake

    NORFOLK -- The Norfolk District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, awarded a $59.5 million contract today to Archer Western LLC of Norfolk, Virginia, to replace the Deep Creek Bridge in Chesapeake, Virginia.
  • NAO-2019-01099/23-V0598 (Elbow Road widening, Chesapeake, Virginia)

    The proposed Elbow Road Widening Phase II project is designed to address various transportation concerns along Elbow Road. A traffic study was conducted by Clark Nexsen in October 2019 and revealed current and anticipated traffic needs for the existing roadway. According to the report, the two-lane roadway currently operates at a Level of Service (LOS) D and is projected to degrade to a LOS E by the year 2030-2031. Therefore, to address traffic/congestion needs, the report recommended a four-lane road section. The proposed work involves adding 2 new lanes to the south of the existing Elbow Road and sidewalks/bike/multiuse lanes on each side of Elbow Road. The proposed work will impact 14.21 acres of wetlands.
  • NAO-2023-00608 (Potomac View Mitigation Bank, King George County, Virginia))

    Water and Land Solutions (Sponsor) proposes to design, construct, establish and operate a stream and wetland compensatory mitigation bank called Potomac View located in King George County, Virginia. Public comments should be received by the close of business May 14, 2023.
  • Third-Party Compensatory Mitigation Site Monitoring Report Template

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Norfolk District and the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) announce the release of the 2023 Monitoring Report Template for use in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
  • Joint Public Notice -- Notice of Availability of the Beta Streamflow Duration Assessment Methods for the Northeast and Southeast

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), jointly announce the availability of the Beta Streamflow Duration Assessment Methods (SDAM) for the Northeast and Southeast (dated April 12, 2023).
  • NAO-2022-02394 / VMRC# 22-V2715 (Microsoft Data Center, Mecklenburg County, Virginia)

    Microsoft proposes to construct a new data center facility to house servers used in cloud-based computing on a 369 acre parcel west of Skip with Road (SR 688) and north of Butler Farm Road (SR 831) in Mecklenburg County, Virginia.
  • Draft Supplemental Environmental Assessment, Deep Creek Navigation Channel and Harbor, Newport News, Virginia

    The USACE-Norfolk District has prepared a draft Supplemental Environmental Assessment to assess the potential impacts for maintenance dredging of the Deep Creek Channel with subsequent dredged material placement at the Craney Island Dredged Material Management Area. The Deep Creek Navigation Channel is within the Deep Creek tidal estuary and tributary of the James River in Newport News, Virginia. The Craney Island Dredged Material Management Area (CIDMMA) is located in Portsmouth, Virginia.
  • NAO-2020-00941 (Upper Brandon Farm Mitigation Bank)

    The sponsor, Upper Brandon LLC, proposes to design, construct, establish and operate a tidal wetland compensatory mitigation site known as the Upper Brandon Farm Mitigation Bank (Bank) in Prince George Co, Virginia. Comments should be received by the close of business on May 4, 2022.
  • NAO-2005-05012 (Norfolk (NSN) Magnetic Silencing (Degaussing) Range, Virginia)

    U.S. Navy, Norfolk (NSN) Magnetic Silencing (Degaussing) Range-The Navy proposes to remove the existing sensors, abandon cables and ancillary equipment, and reinstall the equipment below the proposed new channel depth of -57 ft mean lower low water (MLLW) at the Magnetic Silencing (Degaussing) Range , located within the Norfolk Harbor Entrance Channel, approximately 0.8 nautical miles southwest of the Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel. Public comments should be received by the close of business May 3, 2023.
  • March

    Section 408 Review of Shockoe Island Improvements, Richmond, Virginia

    Interested parties are hereby notified that multiple requests for permission to alter a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) project pursuant to Section 14 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (33 U.S.C. Section 408) have been received and will be evaluated by the Norfolk District.  Written comments, including any objections to the proposed alteration, stating reasons therefore, are being solicited from anyone having an interest in the requested alteration. The actions being considered are located on Shockoe Island in Richmond, Virginia and have the potential to impact the Richmond Flood Protection Project near the Richmond Floodwall North. Comments should be received by April 14, 2023.
  • NAO-2020-00426 (MNZ01 Data Center, Prince William, Virginia)

    Microsoft Corporation has proposed to construct a data center to be known as MNZ01 Balls Ford Road Data Center. The 40-acre project site is located on the north line of Balls Ford Road, east of Jacksonville Avenue, in Prince William County, Virginia.
  • Final Section 408 Categorical Permission 2 (408-CP-02) for Sandbridge Beach Erosion and Hurricane Protection Project, Virginia Beach, Virginia

    The Norfolk District has approved the Section 408 Categorical Permission 2 (408-CP-02) - Low Impact Alterations Conducted By Nonfederal Sponsors or Independent Requestors to the Sandbridge Beach Erosion and Hurricane Protection Project in Virginia Beach, Virginia which will provide expedited and streamlined reviews and final decisions for permission to alter the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Sandbridge Beach Erosion Control and Hurricane Protection Project pursuant to Section 14 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (33 U.S.C. Section 408).
  • Posting NAO-2021-03242 (Henricus Park Access Road, Chesterfield County, Virginia)

    Chesterfield County Department of Transportation proposes to construct a new 1.2-mile two-lane access road and bridge with a shared use path for bikers and pedestrians over an oxbow to the James River to access Henricus Historical Park in Chesterfield County, Virginia. Public comments should be received by the close of business on April 26, 2023.
  • NAO-2018-00476 (Carter Farm Development, Chesterfield, Virginia)

    Please publish the attached public notice NAO-2018-00476: HHH Land, LLC is proposing an undertaking to construct the first phase of a residential subdivision known as Carter Farm and will include an apartment complex, interior access roads (including the extension of Harpers Mill Parkway to Winterpock Road), utility connections and associated infrastructure. The project site is located adjacent to Fuqua Farm, a historic property listed on the National Register of Historic Places and the Virginia Landmark Register. In compliance with regulations implementing Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), the Norfolk District is soliciting comments on the proposed project from the public; federal, state, and local agencies and officials; Native American Tribes; and other interested parties. This public notice provides an opportunity for members of the public to express their views on the undertaking’s effects on historic properties and resolution of adverse effects. Public comments should be received by the close of business on April 20, 2023.
  • NAO-2017-00979 (Rudee Inlet southward, Virginia beach, Virginia)

    The City of Virginia Beach (City) proposes to construct a beach replenishment (nourishment) project along Croatan Beach by placing approximately 150,000 cubic yards (CY) of sand along approximately 2,900 linear feet of shoreline, to tie into existing submerged grade at approximately -5 feet to -8 feet MLW at Croatan Beach, from the south jetty at Rudee Inlet southward to the City’s boundary with Camp Pendleton in Virginia Beach in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Public comments should be received by the close of business on April 17, 2023.
  • Notice of Availability: Draft Finding of No Significant Impact / Environmental Assessment New River Water Intake Structure and Pump House at Holston Army Ammunition Plant, Tennessee

    The United States Army is publishing this notice to announce the availability of the Draft Finding of No Significant Impact (FNSI) and Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) to construct a new river water intake structure and pump house in Area B at Holston Army Ammunition Plant (HSAAP). The purpose of the proposed action is to construct a new intake structure and associated pump house to meet Rule 316(b) requirements while providing adequate capacity for water intake at full RDX/HMX production capacity. The Draft FNSI, Draft EA, and Draft FNPA are available for review for 30 days with all comments due on or before April 14, 2023.
  • NAO-2006-05364 (Wood Glen Mitigation Bank, Loudoun and Prince William County, Virginia)

    Clearwater Mitigation LLC, proposes a new mitigation site to be paired with the approved Limestone Mitigation Bank in Loudoun and Prince William Counties, Virginia. Comments on this project should be received by the close of business on April 10, 2023. 
  • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Miami-Dade County host 2nd charrette for re-initiation of Miami-Dade Back Bay Coastal Storm Risk Management Study

    MIAMI – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Norfolk District and Miami-Dade County, its non-federal sponsor, hosted a second charrette this week following a virtual public meeting for the re-initiation of the Miami-Dade Back Bay Coastal Storm Risk Management Feasibility Study.
  • NAO-2015-00740/16-V1040 (Landstown Road Improvements, Virginia Beach, Virginia)

    The City of Virginia Beach proposes to make roadway and stormwater management improvements along an approximately 4,500 foot corridor of Landstown Road in Virginia Beach, Virginia, in proximity to the Virginia Beach Sportsplex. These improvements would result in the permanent loss of 1.47 acres of non-tidal, emergent wetlands. Comments on this project should received by the close of business on April 5, 2023.