The bank sponsor proposes to establish, design, construct, and operate a compensatory wetland and stream mitigation bank to be known as Hagan Farm Umbrella Mitigation Bank. The purpose of the mitigation bank is to provide off-site compensatory mitigation for projects that result in unavoidable impacts to streams and other waters of the United States in the Upper New River and Middle New River Drainage basin.
The goal of the bank is to protect and enhance water quality, enhance impaired streams and wetlands, encourage regional watershed management, restore native riparian areas for wildlife habitat and ecosystem biodiversity, as well as provide compensatory mitigation for authorized impacts within the authorized service area. The Hagan Bank will produce 18.4 acres of wetland mitigation (33.3 wetland compensation credits) through the restoration of 3.5 acres of degraded wetlands and through the creation of 14.9 acres of new wetlands. Stream credits are proposed as 28,950 for restoration and 2,223 for enhancement.