Public Notice Distribution List

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Archive: 2021
  • NAO-2020-01667

    Expiration date: 4/1/2021

    The proposed project is located west of Interstate 95 (I-95), north of Centreport Parkway and south of Stafford Regional Airport in Stafford County, Virginia. The proposed project is located in waters associated with unnamed tributaries to Potomac Creek, which flows to the Potomac River. The applicant proposes to construct two 630,000 square foot buildings with approximately 1,100 tractor trailer parking spaces, 350 trailer loading spaces, approximately 1,800 employee parking spaces, and associated stormwater management and utilities. The proposed project will result in permanent impacts to 0.79 acre of wetlands and 1,506 linear feet (0.23-acre) of stream channel. The purpose of the proposed work is to provide large-scale distribution facility in proximity of I-95 in Stafford County between Richmond and Northern Virginia to remain market competitive.

  • Section 408 Review of Sand Maintenance Activities, Sandbridge Beach, Virginia Beach, Virginia

    Expiration date: 3/16/2021

    Interested parties are hereby notified of a request for permission to alter a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) project pursuant to Section 14 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (33 U.S.C. Section 408) that has been received and will be evaluated by the Norfolk District. The action being considered is located in Sandbridge, Virginia Beach, Virginia and has the potential to impact the Sandbridge Beach Erosion Control and Hurricane Protection Project. The action is proposed at 3008 Sandfiddler Road and includes sand maintenance activities to remove excess sand that has migrated onto private property and place it back onto Sandbridge Beach.
  • NAO-2009-1075/ VMRC #20-V2310

    Expiration date: 3/15/2021

    The applicant proposes to restore beach width and volume to the Cape Henry beach through a beach nourishment project. Sandy material dredged from the Thimble Shoals Channel will be placed on the beach using a pipeline system and pump-out buoys with the specific construction means and methods to be determined by the contractor. The beach nourishment project is designed to mitigate damage to existing structures which could be caused by storm surge and wave erosion. The project will accomplish its purpose through the placement of 331,300 cubic yards of sand along 9,000 linear feet of shoreline. This material will be placed in 29.91 acres below Mean Low Water (MLW), and in 8.89 acres between Mean High Water and MLW. The total impacts to waters of the U.S. are approximately 38.80 acres.

  • NAO-2006-7258/VMRC #2018-1729

    Expiration date: 3/11/2021

    The project is located north of the Chickahominy River, west of Holly Hills Road, and south of Cedar Lane, Hanover County, Virginia. The Chickahominy River is a tributary of the James River and the Chesapeake Bay. The applicant proposes to construct 117 single-family homes, roads, stormwater management facilities, and utilities to be known as Chickahominy Falls Section VIII on 59.85 acres.

  • Section 408 Review of Sand Maintenance and Structural Features, Sandbridge Beach, Virginia Beach, Virginia

    Expiration date: 2/26/2021

    Multiple requests for permission to alter a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) project pursuant to Section 14 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (33 U.S.C. Section 408) have been received and will be evaluated by the Norfolk District.