US Army Corps of Engineers
Norfolk District Website

Archive: 2020
  • NAO-DHA-RMO-20-002

    Expiration date: 6/17/2020

    The Norfolk District is looking to bring in a budget analyst under the direct-hire authority by June, 17.
  • Craney Island toll charges

    Effective Aug. 1, new tolls will be established for placement of dredged material at Craney Island Dredged Material Management Area.
  • NAO-2018-00095

    Expiration date: 6/22/2020

    The applicant proposes to dredge, by mechanical method, no more than 402 cubic yards of material from an 18-foot wide by 164-foot long area to create a new navigation channel from the Edgewater Haven Municipal Channel to his residence in Norfolk. The new channel, at maximum depths of -4 feet MLW including over dredge, will impact 2,223 square feet of mudflat, 20 square feet of vegetated tidal wetlands and 2,627 square feet of subaqueous bottom. The applicant has reduced the channel to the minimum necessary to achieve the project purpose. Mitigation proffered consists of the purchase of 169 square feet of mitigation bank credits. A general dredged materials management plan has been provided.

  • NAO-2020-00713

    Expiration date: 6/19/2020

    The Sponsor proposes to add land to the established Dry Fork Mitigation Bank. The Sponsor proposes to establish, design, construct, and operate an additional wetland and stream compensatory mitigation site known as the Maybreys Meadows Mitigation Bank in Tazwell County, Virginia. The purpose of the compensatory mitigation project is to provide off-site compensatory mitigation for projects that result in unavoidable impacts to wetlands and streams and other waters of the United States

  • NAO-2013-01821

    Expiration date: 6/13/2020

    Mojax LLC proposes a residential development north of Snake Hill Road and west of its intersection with McQuay Lane in Loudoun County, Virginia.