Public Notice Distribution List

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Archive: 2017
  • CENAO-WR-R NAO-99-2470

    Expiration date: 5/24/2017

    The applicant proposes to maintenance dredge the outboard slips and approaches of Pier R3 at U.S. Naval Weapons Station, Yorktown, Virginia. The projects involves maintenance dredging 96,480 square feet of subaqueous bottom to a maximum depth of – 44 feet mean low water, including overdredge. Each maintenance dredging event will remove approximately 76,600 cubic yards of material via clamshell dredge. The dredge material will be transported via bottom dump scow to be disposed of in the Norfolk Ocean Disposal site.


    Expiration date: 12/31/2017

    The purpose of this PN is to inform the public of relevant parts of our process, and our interpretation and findings regarding current precipitation conditions for the 2017 monitoring season. This is accomplished by our analysis of several precipitation recording stations and our use of groundwater monitoring wells at different reference locations in the Hampton Roads region. Based on analysis of several precipitation recording stations and reference groundwater monitoring wells within the Hampton Roads region, the Norfolk District has determined that groundwater monitoring well data, indicating wetland hydrology does not meet the technical standard, is likely unreliable for wetland determinations this year. Based on plant biological activity, the growing season in southeastern Virginia started the first week in February.

  • NAO-2017-00129

    Expiration date: 5/19/2017

    The applicant proposes to widen and reconstruct 1.9 miles of Route 630 from 800 feet west of its intersection with Ramouth Church (Route 628) to Route 732 (Cedar Lane). In addition to widening to four lanes, the proposed project also includes turn lanes, the realignment of the Route 628 (Ramouth Church & Winding Creek)/Route 630 intersection, construction of stormwater management facilities construction, and a shared use path along the westbound lane and a sidewalk along portions of the eastbound lane to accommodate pedestrian access to Colonial Forge High and Winding Creek Elementary schools.


    Expiration date: 3/18/2022

    The purpose of this Public Notice is to provide an update on the status of the Nationwide Permits and Regional Conditions used by the Norfolk District. The Norfolk District received the Federal Consistency Determination submitted under the Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA) for the reissuance and modification of the Nationwide Permits and the Virginia Regional Conditions on April 5, 2017 and we received Section 401 Water Quality Certification from the Commonwealth of Virginia on April 7, 2017. In addition, we made some minor editorial changes to the Regional Conditions for the 2017 Nationwide Permits.
  • Issuance of the 2017 State Programmatic General Permit (17-SPGP)

    Expiration date: 5/11/2017

    The Norfolk District proposes the issuance of the 2017 State Programmatic General Permit (17-SPGP). The 17-SPGP is proposed for use with residential, commercial, institutional and linear transportation projects that meet the requirements and general conditions as written in the proposed 17-SPGP permit authorization. The 17-SPGP will be a modified version of and replace for the 12-SPGP-01 which is set to expire May 31, 2017.