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Archive: February, 2016
  • NAO-14-1391

    Expiration date: 3/4/2016

    The applicant proposes to dredge approximately 89,257 cubic yards of material to a maximum depth of -10 feet below mean low water from approximately 296,208 square feet of subaqueous bottom within Wormley Creek and the York River. The project will realign the existing channel where Wormely Creek meets the York River, and create a channel to the existing boat ramp at the Coast Guard Training Center Yorktown. The dredged material from the channel will be removed by mechanical or hydraulic cutterhead dredge methods during the initial and future maintenance dredging cycles. The sandy dredged material from the entrance of the channel will be used as beach nourishment along the York River shoreline of the Coast Guard Training Center York, and the fine dredge material will be transported by bottom dump scow to the Wolftrap Alternate Placement Site within the Chesapeake Bay.