US Army Corps of Engineers
Norfolk District

Tag: regional permit
  • 2019-RP-11

    Expiration date: 9/26/2024

    Norfolk District announces the issuance of Regional Permit 11 in support of the administration's initiative to streamline the approval and construction of infrastructure projects in Virginia. RP-11 is for use by the Virginia Department of Transportation to expedite projects that would qualify for a nonreporting nationwide permit but for the Endangered Species Act general condition. RP-11 will allow VDOT to go to construction more quickly in cases where it can comply with the Endangered Species Act through informal consultation. In those cases, a preconstruction notification is not required, but VDOT will report the projects proceeding under RP-11.

    Expiration date: 3/28/2018

    The Norfolk District Regulatory Branch is soliciting comments on the proposed re-issuance of the following Regional General Permits (RP): RP-02, RP-15, RP-17, RP-18, RP-19, and RP-22. The Norfolk District issues Regional Permits for a category of activities in Virginia that would result in minimal environmental impacts and are not contrary to the public interest. The purpose of Regional Permits is to improve regulatory consistency, enhance program efficiency, avoid duplication with other agencies, and simplify the permitting process for the regulated public.

  • 17-RP-20

    Expiration date: 12/9/2016

    The Norfolk District proposes the reissuance with minor revisions to better describe authorized activities of Regional Permit 20 (RP-20), scheduled to expire on May 24, 2017. RP-20 authorizes the creation of artificial reefs (oyster and fish haven) and dredging of old shellfish reefs, when the material, dredge shell or structural, will be used to create new or enhance existing natural or artificial reefs owned, operated or managed by the Commonwealth of Virginia by the Virginia Marine Resources Commission.

  • Reissuance of Norfolk District Regional Permits

    The Norfolk District announces the reissuance of seven (7) Regional Permits. Effective August 14, 2013, these permits supersede and replace all previous versions.