Public Notice Distribution List

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Tag: public notice
  • NAO-2022-02442

    Expiration date: 12/9/2022

    The Sponsor (Davey Mitigation) proposes to design, construct, establish and operate a wetland compensatory mitigation site known as the Kimball Farm Mitigation Bank (Bank). The Bank is located in Fauquier County, VA. The purpose of the compensatory mitigation project is to provide off-site compensatory mitigation for projects that result in unavoidable impacts to wetlands and other waters of the United States. Public comments should be received by close of business Dec. 9, 2022.

  • CENAO-WRR, NAO-2014-00134 / VMRC 22-V1521

    Expiration date: 12/7/2022

    Stingray Point Boat Works, LLC proposes to make improvements to an existing boat repair facility Stingray Point Boat Works on Broad Creek at 19047 General Puller Highway, in Middlesex County, Virginia.

  • CENAO-WRR, NAO-2019-00649

    Expiration date: 12/2/2022

    The Project would widen the existing undivided two-lane RHT to four-lanes divided with curb and gutter and a raised median. The area of disturbance outside of the existing pavement is 19.86 acres. The Project’s total length is approximately 6,100 feet. Turn lanes would be provided for connecting roadways, streets, and driveways throughout the corridor where a raised median is proposed.
  • NAO-2014-00474 / VMRC# 22-V1758 (Microsoft Data Center, Clarksville Va.)

    Expiration date: 11/25/2022

    Microsoft proposes to construct a new data center facility to house servers used in cloud-based computing off Commerce Drive in Clarksville, Virginia and will result in the loss of 9.64 acres of wetlands and 1,703 linear feet of stream. Comments on this project should be received by the close of business on 24 November 2022.

  • NAO-2022-00318 (Nansemond Parkway, Suffolk, Virginia)

    Expiration date: 11/21/2022

    Nansemond Pre-Cast Concrete, Inc. is proposing to expand their existing concrete pipe manufacturing site to increase production of Reinforced Concrete Pipe (RCP) that is manufactured on site. The proposal includes constructing a new manufacturing plant within a 240’ x 160’ building and adding a 12-acre storage yard. All work would occur at 3737 Nansemond Parkway, Suffolk, Virginia.