Tag: public notice
  • NAO-1999-02470 (Yorktown Naval Weapons Station)

    Expiration date: 6/25/2022

    This public notice is being issued for the planned transport and disposal of dredged material at the NODS that will result from the proposed maintenance dredging of the Pier R3 at U.S. Naval Weapons Station, Yorktown, Virginia. Dredged material from the project site that meets Section 103 evaluation criteria is being proposed for placement at the NODS. Public comments should be received by the close of business June 25, 2022. 

  • NAO-2018-02169 (Stallman Ridge Subdivision - Historic Property, Henrico)

    Expiration date: 6/25/2022

    Mr. Corey Cotman is proposing to construct a seven lot single-family home subdivision, stormwater management facility, utilities and roads on Strath Road in Henrico County, Virginia. The project site is located within the potential National Register boundary of the Darbytown & New Market Roads Battlefield, the Darbytown Road Battlefield, and the Fair Oaks & Darbytown Road Battlefield. Public comments should be received by the close of business June 25, 2022.

  • NAO-2019-00129 (Funtastic Mitigation Bank)

    Expiration date: 6/24/2022

    Abundance Mitigation, LLC proposes to establish, design, construct, and operate a compensatory stream/wetland mitigation site to be known as Funtastic Mitigation Bank. The proposed bank site is located on the west line of Route 28, generally south of Route 605, in Fauquier County, Virginia. Comments should be received by the close of business June 24, 2022
  • 408-NA0-2022-0042; Hampton University, Katharine House Replacement Project

    Expiration date: 5/27/2022

    Interested parties are hereby notified that a request for permission to alter a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) project pursuant to Section 14 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (33 U.S.C. Section 408) has been received and will be evaluated by the Norfolk District.  Written comments, including any objections to the proposed alteration, stating reasons therefore, are being solicited from anyone having an interest in the requested alteration. Comments are due by May 27, 2022. 
  • NAO-2008-02691 (Cheatham Annex)

    Expiration date: 6/8/2022

    The project consists of maintenance dredging at the CAD-A Pier slips at U.S. Naval Stations Yorktown Cheatham Annex near Williamsburg, VA. All dredged material will be placed into and transported by bottom dumping scows and disposed of in the Norfolk Ocean Disposal Site (NODS). Please submit public comments by June 8.