Public Notice Distribution List

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Tag: road
  • NAO-2006-05982 Princess Anne Road widening

    Expiration date: 10/15/2015

    The City of Virginia Beach proposes the widening of a segment of Princess Anne Road (Phase VII) from General Booth Boulevard to Sandbridge Road/Upton Drive from a 2-lane road to a 4-lane road with median and shared multi-use paths on both sides of the road. The roadway improvements will extend further east along Sandbridge Road for approximately 0.5 miles where the road widening will merge into the existing 2-lane road. Public comment period ends Oct. 15, 2015.

  • NAO-2014-01804/14-V1739 Old Dominion Speedway

    Expiration date: 2/9/2015

    Bradley Square Neighborhoods, LLC proposes to permanently impact 0.87 acres of jurisdictional wetlands for the realignment of and improvements to the existing Old Dominion Drive to the east for approximately 0.3 of a mile in Prince William County, Virginia. Comment period ends Febr. 9, 2015.

  • NAO-2004-1319

    Expiration date: 7/3/2014

    LSR Creighton, LLC proposes to construct infrastructures to serve an industrial park to be known as Power Road Industrial Park in Hanover County, Virginia. Public comment period ends July 3, 2014.

  • NAO-2008-00429 13-V1389

    Expiration date: 10/10/2013

    The applicant is proposing to permanently impact 0.69 acre of palustrine emergent wetlands and to temporarily impact 0.31 acre of palustrine emergent wetlands for the construction of a two-lane road in Chesterfield County, Va. The proposed road will ultimately connect the existing Meadowville Parkway to Enon Church Road. Public comment period ends Oct. 10, 2013.